Unpopular Opinion / YMMV: MB EQS is a solid car* (*if it's not a lemon)

Unpopular opinion! YMMV

I have had my MB EQS 450+ for close to a year and I love it! It is a fantastic car, and is extremely luxurious. For my first electric car, it has been a seamless transition. Had a Level 2 Charger installed in my garage, and have had very little range anxiety.

The tech is great. No issues. Love the integrated dash-cam, automatic lane changes, digital lights, Burmester 3D surround sound and “self-driving” capabilities.

Also, wow, this has great power & torque! I have timed it, and with dry roads, I have gone 0-60 in 4.2s… This car is only slow when it is in heavy regen & eco mode.

Is it an eyesore? Possibly… Is it easy on the eyes? Definitely not. Is this my favorite car I have owned from Mercedes? Definitely.

Not sure why people hate on the EQS (beyond design)!

This ends my Ted Talk.


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