Toyota Highlander XLE AWD - RV/MF

Year: [2017]
Make, Model, and Trim: [Toyota Highlander XLE AWD]
Months/Annual Mileage: [36/12K and 24/12K]
Zip Code: [07005]

Can I get the latest numbers for the 2017 Highlander please.

Post #6 of this other 2017 Highlander XLE AWD request for information has the numbers you are looking for.

I have, unfortunately it is not available locally to NJ. I’ve tried, NY, NJ, PA and the only deal is on a Highlander LE, which is not what we are looking for.

I am not sure what you are asking – the numbers are the numbers. The “deal” is negotiating the MSRP down and doing MSDs to lower the MF.

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24/12K: 73% RV, .00149 MF
36/12K: 68% RV, .00149 MF
Targeted: $500 military

How do I get the RV and mf for new york state?

Edmunds forums is one way. Maybe some else can comment

Looks like RV is 67% for 36mo, 12k miles annually.
MF 0.00118
That’s for the 2017 Highlander LE though, not sure about XLE AWD