Toyota cancelled allocations as of August 16th for next 60-90 days

You might want to extend it.

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Would not expect to get a good deal now.
I would extend the lease to wait for better deals or buy it out.

If you buy it out, you will have a car that has considerable higher resale value at the end…

I am buying my 2018 Honda going off lease in a few months thru my CU at 1.9% for 36 months.

I think Curtis is in Abu Dhabi the next 4 years learning to become an oil finance tycoon

Abu Dhabi.

I have a BMW 530 lease ending in Jan.

Surprisingly, or not for some, the buy out is still higher than the Carvana estimate (41k buyout vs 36k carvana)

Was looking to get a Sienna but looks like that’s not happening soon.

Anyone know how long I can extend my BMW lease for? Do I just call BMWFS and ask or is there something else to improve my odds.

Typically 6 month, just call BMWFS

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That’s definitely a complete 180 lol

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The number of times I’ve played Tetris in the trunk with luggage and strollers is starting to drive me crazy.

It’s going to be worth it, or at least that’s what I tell myself.

Hahah you think your spouse maybe behind having the idea being planted in you subconsciously “inception style”

inception my musings GIF

There’s gotta be something in between a 530i and a Sienna


I just extended my contract for 2 more month by contacting BMW financial via email. You can extend up to 6 month if you order a new BMW while waiting it to arrive.

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Looks like you were right

Tesla Model Y is where I think I’m going to end up… trying unsuccesfully for a Sienna as well

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