The Audi e-tron GT Discussion Thread

Been over a month since I got mine, but the finance director at the dealership just called me and told me they had to revise the contract?


Revised a month later:

I called AFS and received a similar answer but very different numbers due to the rebates. Yes, I can extend month to month and yes it is my One-Pay divided by 12. But the One-Pay amount is the larger amount (before incentives 25k/32.5k depending on RS or non RS) divided by 12.

For example, my cash due for my E-tron GT was $10k but if you take away the $25k in incentives it is really $35k One-Pay divided by 12 months which comes out to $2.9k per month. This makes sense since we amortized the incentives over 12 months already. I don’t see a world where many people will extend their lease if there are no additional incentives. Hopefully I am just wrong, since I was already planning on extending.

No service coupons yet? For all the warranty visits you had before the first service you were definitely in their system

Hmmmm maybe the rep was telling me this too but didn’t realize the rebates. I guess once we get closer, I can give them a call

Unless Audi comes up with a plan / additional incentives, come February 2025 they are going to have a shit-ton of GT’s back in inventory.

Maybe they stop building them and take a model year break before the update rather than keep bleeding money into a soon to be outdated platform

Agree. Outside and ride is awesome but interior just plain and boring

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Just these two.

That’s very generous of them considering the tire place by me will do an alignment for $75

Did u cancel through the dealer or through Audi?

Through the dealer.

The refund went to AFS, who applied it to the lease balance.

AFS applied it to the lease payments or to the payoff? If the lease payments, any idea how that would work on a one-pay lease? If to the payoff, that wouldn’t help most people because we’re way underwater on the residual.

So you can get a 1% RV bump from Audicare and get it refunded?

This only works in Cali. Stricter refund requirements. A lot harder to get the dealer to follow thru in other states but worth a shot in TX I think you’re in??

ah okay. In NJ

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The refund was applied to the next payments that were due (covered one payment completely and part of the next one).

iirc I’ve read a couple of anecdotes here suggesting that the refund goes to the dealer, who writes a check to the consumer.

Yes. As @ahash said, California has the strictest refund requirements, but I believe contracts in at least some other states feature a graduated refund policy, where the amount you get back is reduced over time, beginning with 100%, dropping to 95% and further down as time elapses.

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So I called AFS again today to just go ahead and extend it since it is a “month to month” process but they said they cannot figure out what my monthly would be now since it doesn’t show on my contract. After some research, they came back at a $3,430 payment every month. So you are correct, extending these makes no sense at all. I am completely under miles on this car so I might as well start driving it as my daily lol

I am out a set of new wheels now so either I have to get another RS or Taycan next lol

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unfortunate, was looking forward to extending this

I don’t think this only works in Cali. I am in NY and just started the refund process.

I called Audi directly (didn’t feel like dealing with the dealership) and they emailed me some steps to initiate the refund. Also, on the second page of your Audi Care contract it spells out the refund schedule; 100% pre 30 days, 95% post 30 days but pre first visit, 50% post first maintenance, etc. Not sure if this is state specific as there is no language stating such in my contract.


I called Audi customer service and was informed the refund would be in form of a check to my address, since I did a One-Pay.