The Audi e-tron GT Discussion Thread

Regarding the charging cable recall:

Audi informed me by mail recently that the new cables are available, and I made an appointment for next week to swap mine out for a new one.

I called ahead to make sure the dealer had sufficient stock, and was assured that they have more than an ample supply and are getting more every week.


How’d you get Audi to give you a home charger? I called and they told me I had to call my local dealer to swap out the cable.

Probably too late. They have a recall fix now (the new cable).

Anyone follow thru with the audicare refund?

Peak LH here. :sweat_smile:




For sure :rofl: thanks for follow up @syedhasan

AFS slapped me and said

Seinfeld Soup GIF


FYI just received my Audi Care refund via check in the mail. I am in NY and did a OnePay.

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did you call AFS or go through the dealer?

Neither, I called Audi of America Customer Service (800) 822-2834.


How does it work if you cancel after getting the 1% RV increase?

Hey @hunterxzhang , do you mind informing which Audi department you did all this through? I’ve been on with AFS and they keep bouncing me around. One said i had to do it with the dealer but that can’t be right. TIA!

Edit: disregard, @trism answered it here!

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I did not go through the dealer or AFS. I called Audi of America Customer Experience Center (800) 822-2834.

I told them I wanted to refund Audi Care, they subsequently sent me a letter asking for a copy of contract and reason of refund. A week later I sent over a copy and told them I have a one year lease so it doesn’t make sense to have Audicare. I received an email stating they received my request and I can expect a response in a month or so. Two weeks later I got a check for $899


I already paid my balance with OnePay and just got the check back. My balance on AFS is still $0. Contract is signed, I doubt they can come back and try to readjust the amount owed due to a different RV.

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what state ?

How much is 10k service if I were to pay out of pocket? I am planning to extend my 12m lease by 6 months.

So really this is the consensus for those of us who did 12mo one-payment???..Today, I just got my 6mos to go email from AFS before my RS etron GT lease is up, and I was really thinking of extending the lease, but obviously not if the month-to-month isn’t based on our ridiculously low one-payment amount divided by 12. I’m really bummed. No one has recently heard otherwise?

I want to apply for a refund too, but I’m confused by the AC fine print: “no refund will given if the lease is terminated early or if the lease term is less than the coverage period.”

My lease term is 12mo/7500 (I did one-pay too), but my AC is 2/20k, does this mean I’m unable to get a refund?? Now that I understand extending the lease makes no sense given how the month-to-month is equated.

CA is the only state that allows a prorated refund of Audi Care, to my knowledge.