Tesla Ordering Tips - And Most Other Reasonable Things Tesla

TLDR; website updates every 5 minutes. Tesla may list inventory that is not actually available. Made a change on our end that should result in returning more accurate results.

The WaitingForTesla site has inventory listings cached at 5 minutes. Right underneath the Table/Card/Filter section, you should see a timestamp that reflects when the data you are seeing was last refreshed from our database.

This was done in part to minimize costs associated with polling a database every time a user visits the website (or refreshes it). Without dedicated funding to support this effort, this was the best I could do for now.

With that being said, in order to make this database query as fast & inexpensive as possible, we have a separate table storing all available inventory that gets updated (added/removed) when we change the availability status of a listing on our main inventory table (which stores every single vehicle we come across > 10k). Because this available inventory table is extremely small, it has resulted in faster & cheaper data queries.

The problem that we run into with this model is that our bots can update the status of a vehicle every 3 seconds. Usually that is not a problem if the vehicle lasts longer than 3 seconds. However, Tesla Inventory Results can be very flaky - so a vehicle could be available now and then go away the next time we check and then come back right after & so on. At times, this results in a race condition when updating the smaller secondary available inventory table as multiple add/deletes get queued up. As an alternative to cleaning up these bad records manually, the bot does a check every 6 hours and cleans them up.

Now, hereā€™s the new change - the website will query our main inventory table. It might be a little costly compared to before but Iā€™d like to run this experiment and find out by how much. Performance should be fast as well since the data is indexed accordingly.

Thatā€™s all we have in our control - Tesla still lists vehicles in their inventory search that may not be available (my guess is due to caching on their end as well). These inventory listings will still appear on our site as we feed off of what Tesla returns. Iā€™d much rather have that data out there as every second counts when getting one of these drops.

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I believe this is the case when Tesla is the said dealer. If Tesla accepts the vehicle as a trade-in / lease return and then has the vehicle subsequently auctioned off, they will remove all paid add-ons at the time of it or later during an audit. If anything goes through Tesla, FSD will absolutely be removed.

However, letā€™s say, if I sell my car with FSD to GMTV, they auction it off and Joeā€™s Toyota buys it at auction, FSD will still be included when it gets sold to the next buyer.

12k is just crazy for what it really is. That too, you need to be on good behavior and pray to the Elon lords to allow you to use the feature you paid $$$$ for.


I think youā€™re right. If a car sold touches Tesla somewhere in the chain of custody before landing at another dealer, definitely kiss goodbye to any software options such as FSD. Tesla may not remove it immediately, but they will eventually.


With EAP being offered, really 0 reason to pay double for FSD UNLESS you run a YT channel and are monetizing it via FSD vids.
That being said, even the $6k EAP is way overpriced IMO.


Sorry if this was already answered. But what are the tesla listed with location: US. Also (at least for Y) it doesnā€™t say long range or performance. Price seems to be lower than current pricing. If I order that will it come to me locallly?

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Thank you for what you do, this is a great service!


Those listings have bad data on them. We have tried figuring out the actual location and have stated them on the discord & Twitter notifications. I would stay away from it.

If it says AWD, it is the new trim, more commonly known as the 4680 Standard Range (built in Giga Texas).

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Thank you! Itā€™s the community that makes it worthwhile.


Thanks for your workā€¦ you have something for Jordans. :slight_smile:

Canā€™t remember if you leased or financed originally? How many of those would/could deal with a leased car?

Joining the fun probably too late but with all the price increases, is there any meat on the bone for a standard M3 on lease to use cheaply/free for a while?

Not on the cheap. And not when Tesla Finance wonā€™t allow you or anyone to buy it out. Only option is to transfer into or out of a lease. Still have to return the vehicle at the end of the lease.


Financed. Made roughly 10k from it but it went straight to the price increases on the MY I got, lol. None of those buyers would touch a Tesla M3/MY lease as they only allow transfers once as @Kctham18 mentioned above. Money Factor & Residual is not favorable for leases either.

Model Y is selling for over MSRP per MMR/Auction values. You could drive almost any of these models and either be paid to drive it (or sell fairly high making your TCO pretty low).

In other words, finance the vehicle and once your sell it, your TCO should be fairly low.

Sorry, I have no clue about Jordans. PS5/Xbox - I know a guy.


Ordering a Model Y with FSD. I am able to remove/cancel the FSD when the vehicle is available before taking delivery?

As long as it is a New or a Demo unit.

This was a new order

You should get in to shoe game!!

Yeahā€¦ where is KicksHackr?

Itā€™s here!

Alright, I upgraded my M3SR to M3LR Monday afternoon. Got the VIN on the same day. Delivery was scheduled on Thursday but they called on Tuesday said my car is ready and dropped the car on my driveway Wednesday morning. I hate how Tesla prioritizes high MSRP deliveries but at least we have the 2nd car our family needs.

The funny part is that I live in an area with spotty cell signals. So after I accepted the delivery in the app, I couldnā€™t get the doors unlocked cause the car was having trouble connecting to the internet via cell signal.

I called the delivery team. The first guy told me I have to get my car towed to somewhere with better signals so that I can unlocked the door - cause ELON HAS THE BEST TECHNOLOGY!!! :rofl: :rofl:

I donā€™t want to tow the car cause a) itā€™s a brand new car and b) itā€™s JUST EMBARRASSING. So I called tech support team and they told me the car is offline so they nothing they can do but they will have someone drop off another card key to my home next day.

Anyway, I just kept trying on my phone and after probably 50 tries, the car finally connected and unlocked the door :joy: :joy:. No mayor issues so far other than the truck arms are slightly misaligned.

Still waiting for my MYLR 7-seaterā€¦