Tesla Model 3 wait times slashed

Realistically though, according to the doctors, everything will cause cancer, lessen your life, make you sick, etc (and I’m exaggerating a bit too)… I’m not saying smog and pollution are great, but I’m not going to live in a bubble just because a cup of coffee or a french fry or standing in traffic waiting for a bus is going to increase my cancer risk. I get your point, and am not trying to argue with you, but everything “good” is bad for you in some shape or form.

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I’m a Californian and currently on the lookout for a good EV deal so I will share why leasing or buying an EV makes sense for me. I’ve put close to 12K miles on the SUV in about 9 months–that’s about $70 each trip to the gas station each time (~$350/month). The total cost of gas I spent a month will literally pay for the EV lease/finance payment and I don’t pay anything extra in gas or electricity for the EV (free charging at work). I think many Californians share my story hence the reason why there is a thirst for EVs in the state. Cost of ownership is definitely cheaper between federal, state, and utility rebates for EV in CA compared to other states.

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I’m not arguing with you. All I’m saying is CA has adopted EVs more so than the rest of the country.

What I’d love to know though, as an East Coaster, who sees maybe 1 or 2 EV charging stations at a grocery store, and not spread about in a business parking lot, is, who’s paying for that “free” electricity? Someone is, whether it be in taxes, fees, etc. I can’t see a corporation (or in CA, a multitude of businesses) giving out “free” electricity just to be nice.

Then again, isn’t CA virtually bankrupt?

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Trust me I know there is no free lunch. We definitely pay for it here in CA. The state is literally #1 in almost every tax category I think and the state legislators are trying to screw us with more taxes at every turn. I don’t see taxes going down in my lifetime so I’m just going to jump on the bandwagon and grab up all the freebies I can.

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That’s probably the point. Taxes stimulating infrastructure and clean tech is not the worst way to spend them.

I’m pretty sure those chargers are not free, unless it’s a Tesla supercharger.

Many people claim their “work offers free charging” out there. They can’t all be superchargers, so someone has to be paying for them somehow.

Definitely a fanboy, and knows not much about cars. No brake change because of regen, wtf, haha :joy:

I can list a more items how a civic is better than a vette too. The more I read, the more I think someone just spent $60K in a car with civic interior and maybe feeling remorse. Here trying to adjusting.

some companies offer nice perks: daycare, laundry, electric charging…

I suppose 2020202020

Model3 don’t get free super charge anyway. Company like google let you charge for as long as you want. Most companies, including my own, offer a fixed time per day free charge, like 2 hours. Most are level2 chargers.

Non Super charger Cost actually depend on city to city. Super charger, as far as my experience goes, cost is fixed, quite inexpensive. I can charge 75% of Model 3 battery for ~$5. Better be, considering it is $65K car out the door with a worst than civic interior, smaller too. 20% to 95% will take 30-35 min when no one else is sharing.

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Funny anecdote: my boss was telling me that as soon as someone gets an electric car, management will immediately install a “free” charger. So when I was deciding on my next lease I asked him if this offer 100% legit? He emailed someone and they responded: Plans are currently in the works to install a charger at every building on the campus, but no ETA yet.

Not sure for other companies, For google, Daycare isn’t free. In fact, it is the most expansive daycare out there, upward of $3k a month.

He did say “some” not “all.”

I know. I am just giving one perspective. But knowing how expansive daycare is, I wonder which companies offer free daycare.

Some even let you bring and nurse your kids :smile:

Bring and nurse kids is very common in Bay Area, especially tech company. If you finish your work, as long as you don’t disturb others, they wouldn’t care if you bring other live stocks to work. But I am sure if you bring your baby at work, you won’t get much work done tho.

Anecdotally, I have heard some NYC metro area developers mention that EV chargers are a desired amenity in condo/apt buildings…it’s a bit of a chicken/egg situation… I think quite a few people are just waiting for chargers to be installed at home and/or work before getting an EV.

Over the long term, I don’t doubt that ICE will go the way of manuals…people like me will still want one but they’ll be in the minority of the buying public.

This thread just turned into the definition of off topic.

On-site daycare can, in itself, be a perk. Free or not, the convenience is worth something.