Tesla Model 3 wait times slashed

I don’t know one “younger generation” person IRL that would take a model 3 over a vette.


Half of young people in the UK would like to own an electric car – compared with just a quarter of their parents, a survey suggests.

I’m not saying they wouldn’t take a model 3 over a civic, but I don’t see it against a vette.

Plus that survey was of only 10,000 people, which is 0.02% of the population. Not statistically significant.

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You might be honest and excited, but you sound like a troll. Test of time is important. Thanks to people like you who are ready to be guinea pig for Tesla. I would rather drive ICE for now and switch to electric when dust settles.

Seems like allot of this “younger generation” doesn’t even want to drive, rather uber or use autopilot, or litter the sidewalks with rental bikes/scotters. “Tesla having a much higher owner satisfaction rating”, since fanboys are the only ones that buy them, I would hope so. And judging by your post history, you are definitely a fanboy.


Autopilot and almost zero maintenance, yes. But I hate to be a paid beta tester. You get that feeling especially when you have to pay $5000 for a future feature like fully automated self driving. Gives out the vibe of funding for a kick starter project. Why would anyone invest that kind of money for something that might not even happen in 2020?

I had a corvette before, I have no doubt the corvette is a faster track car than any Tesla except a drag race. One is still a family sedan and the other is still a dedicated sports car

Both target a different audience, one is older male and Tesla is usually younger with more female fans too

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He’s a fan. I wouldn’t call him a troll.

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A fanboy for sure. :wink: Borderline fanboi, but not quite.

Younger generation here (21) and here in suburbia we still want our cars. Nobody has a real interest in Tesla aside from really needy kids. Most of us want a nice BMW or Lexus to lease. Tesla is viewed as impractical because of range issues

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It’s a California thing. Outside of CA, I don’t see the interest, and the fanbois all fail to see this, although I’m sure most of them are from CA as well. Their sales mix alone shows that more than 50% of them are sold in CA, and the rest are scattered across the country. I’ve seen MAYBE 5 in Pittsburgh total (Model S+X) in the last several years, and have yet to see a 3 on the road. Then again, Volts, Bolts, and the i3 are pretty rare too. More Volts than anything, with the advantage of having a gas tank to alleviate the range issue.


I’ve seen a quite a few Model 3 past couple of weeks in Upstate NY. I was pleasantly surprised, since I didn’t think they were making this way for a while.

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I should rephrase…I don’t see the SAME interest across the country as the Californians have in Tesla. I’m sure they’re are some, but they seem ravenous for electrics out there. Just look at the Chevy dealer threads for CA. They’re paying 400/mo for a Bolt and happy about it.

Maybe that will change in time, but for now, California keeps the US market of BEVs afloat, and the rest of the country isn’t as quick to adopt.

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I see a ton of all of those EVs here in norther Virginia (right outside of DC), but Teslas outnumber the rest.


Hate it or love it, but the rest of the country is 20 or more years behind on everything.

That’s not how statistics works, FYI.

Maybe so, but I’m quite content with a relative low cost of living, fees, taxes, etc… than the futuristic CA.

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Yes it is, considering it wasn’t a specific group of persons but rather a random survey of the general populace.

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I think you’ll pay one way or the other. If you like having little environmental regulations, don’t wonder why you’re sick as a dog in your 50’s. I’m exaggerating a bit, but that’s the gist of it: clean air, water and food costs more.

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Look up random assignment, sample size, confidence intervals, and statistical significance. You will learn a lot! :slight_smile: