Tesla bankruptcy?

Are you saying that if I call Tesla Service Center and tell them my wheels are about to fall off, they will say “don’t worry OTA is coming and keep driving” ???:joy:

Obviously you can’t fix mechanical failures with OTA updates. Let’s use common sense now.

The guy kept pushing his luck if he knew that autopilot didn’t work at the same place and the same barrier.

Yes, so he shares some fault if he kept using it knowing such. However, that does not absolve Tesla of any responsibility if AP veered him into the barrier while he was playing with the distracting 17" touchscreen or whatever he was doing right before the crash

Change the name to what? Should airlines also remove pilots from planes since they have something called autopilot?

AP tells you numerous times to keep your hands on the wheel at all times & be ready to take control when it is activated. If you take your hands off the wheel for a long enough amount of time, the car makes loud audible noises at you. When you purchase a car with AP, they tell you that all of that & show you how to properly use it.

If people get into the car still & say “I don’t have to do anything now cause of AP,” they’re the one that needs to rethink what they bought into. Nobody is ever at fault anymore, it’s always point the finger. It’s tragic what happened, but if I had an issue with AP around the exact same area of road, or the same type of weather, or any other consistent X factor, I would not use AP on that same X factor.

Anytime Tesla gets into an accident, it’s always the same “TESLA IN ACCIDENT” - if any other car is in an accident, the headline reads “accident happened at X…”


How is mh370s autopilot working out?

Exactly look at the tesla forum, everyone talks about is the cars fault. I mean it’s easy to miss a giant concrete wall you know…

Go ask the pilot and see what he says.

what’s the point of it then if you still have to pay attention and grab the wheel at a moment’s notice. I can’t figure out how this is much better than standard cruise control outside of the fact you can take your hand off the wheel for 30 second increments.

How about “Self-assisted driving”? That’s what Tesla changed AP’s name to in China after the AP death there.
Or maybe “Co-pilot”? Or ANYthing else that implies it can’t actually drive itself?

You should ask Boeing to change the name of the system too

Of course…

agreed, but then it would be a totally different player coming in to car manufacturing. To your point AAPL, could simply raise >5% of their existing market cap and take over TSLA in one bite.

On a separate note regarding the accident(s), while i dont even want to think how i would feel if a loved one was affected, I am firmly on the side that technological advances improve our lives, i would be opposed to “banning” further testing projects due to this or other accidents. (stupid comparison coming in 3 2 1…) Can you imagine the safety record of early experimental aircraft designs??? Orville Wright himself was seriously injured at least once… yet here we are with airplanes being the safest mode of transportation.

Back to TSLA, bit of disclosure in the interest of transparency:

  1. i dont own a single share in TSLA (i am also not short TSLA…)
  2. i dont own/lease a TSLA car (i do lease a BMW i3 and I am not going back to ICE)

Finally, I hope they make it big for a number of reasons including: US designed and built, environmental impact, promising use of “EV tech” in other applications around our homes/daily lives -power wall, solar shingles, etc.

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I understand what you’re saying. I’m not in disagreement completely. I’m just saying if you use/own a Tesla, which you have to utilize that thing called autopilot, you should know what it is regardless of what name it has.

You can definitely take your hands off for 30 seconds here & there & I don’t have the exact time, but it probably beeps at you if your hands are off for 1:30 or so, give or take.

The point is naming aside, it’s still in early adoption. It’s a very fancy cruise. Put on your turn signal, it’ll change lanes for you, slow down like adaptive, come to stops, etc.

There isn’t near enough technology AT THIS TIME to make cars fully automated without some driver assistance IMO. But, it’s an absolutely fantastic start to the technology. Being able to grab something out of your backseat on the highway, look down at your phone is something just plain cruise can’t do just yet.

I believe investigators concluded that the most likely outcome was the actual pilot set the plane on autopilot to its final heading. The plane’s autopilot did everything it was programmed to do and crashed into the ocean when it ran out of fuel. It did not fly the plane into a building or straight into the ocean due to faulty programming.

should being the word to emphasize. People shouldn’t smoke either, as there’s a label on the carton that says it can kill you, but that doesn’t stop people from doing it anyways.

I don’t think that’s a fair comparison. The amount of objects you can run into driving on the road as compared to a plane flying into a building while crossing the ocean is majorly different. Not to mention, if the pilot saw a building in the distance, I would hope he would take off AP & go around it himself.

By definition (wikipedia), Autopilots do not replace human operators, but instead they assist them in controlling the aircraft.

How is that different than Tesla’s autopilot? You give the car instructions to do certain things. If you read the manual, you will see the scope and limitation of the system. If you fly west from SF, set the autopilot to 6000 ft, you will be sure to fly straight into the Sierra Nevada.

A Dodge Dart can bring you from Point A to Point B the same as a Bentley, why is the Bentley selling for 10x more? You just pay for the experience. (not arguing if it is worth it or not).

Go on Turo and rent one for the weekend, it will change the way you feel about driving. I didn’t think I would love it that much, but there is no going back to regular driving. This is especially true for people who have to deal with traffic.

With cars, all logic and reasons are thrown out the window. Every little bit matters.

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