Some interesting data on the NJ rebate program

Are you involved with the program? I was thinking about emailing them my feedback.

Also do you think they will support out-of-state sales in year 2? This will be important to note while shopping.

I do not work for the State of New Jersey!

I meant: I will launch my own brokerage program for NJ residents that will pre-sell inventory at my partner dealerships, that leverage the CHARGE UP NJ rebate.

My brokerage is informed and heavily dependent on, but does not control, CHARGE UP NJ’s rules!


The way I see it - politicians are always spending money, not for the benefit of the customer but their bodies who pay a contribution to the company.
This is consumers got lucky in year 1 and everything is back to normal in year 2 :grinning:

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It’s obvious to me that this entire program was heavily influenced by the dealer lobby in the state. I don’t think that even they realized how bad the numbers would be vs Tesla so now they are trying to price them out of the program, or at least the full benefit of it.


Hit the nail on the head


Andy’s 4-Step Long-Term Financial Plan

  1. Lease as many EVs as Possible
  2. Invest in Charge Infrastructure, as much as possible
  3. ???
  4. Profit

I have been fighting on everyone here’s behalf to increase availability/stock of EVs, which will induce competition between dealers, in New Jersey. Sitting inventory and increased competition will hopefully lead to lower prices, which will hopefully drive EV adoption. At the end of the day, my long-term investment strategy is to invest in charge station infrastructure. Most of my money is tied up in the fact bet that New Jerseyians will eventually adopt EVs.

It’s just a matter of when. I can assure you I have a huge financial incentive to get as many EVs on the road in NJ as possible, as quickly as possible. I’m not going to build personal wealth $249 at a time.

The Point-of-Sale vs Post-Sale doesn’t matter as much as you may think. Dealers know you are eligible for a Post-Sale rebate so whether you apply or they apply, it doesn’t change how these things will be priced during a demand spike.

Market-based pricing will prevail on EVs, as long as there is an in-stock selection: rebates or no rebates.

The LH crowd is more savvy than most, so its those here that are propelling demand, combined with people like me that are pushing dealerships to invest increasing their supply pipeline for EVs, which are what drive EV adoption in NJ the most.

I’m trying to create a situation where there are more EVs in stock than there are customers looking for them, so that we can all enjoy competitive pricing and not see egregiously marked-up cars.

Don’t forget, dealers need to make significant investments in charging infrastructure to get these cars on the road as quickly as they can with gas cars. One of the biggest contributors to wait times for my customers last year was waiting for cars to be fully charged to take delivery.

If you too want to profit off of the growth of EVs, there are a smattering of public ticker symbols whose businesses revolve around profiting off of there being more EVs on the road. This is not investment/financial advice - but I believe in EVs. And I believe NJ is a near-ideal state to realize their potential.


Anybody can hack one of these ioniqs i had three sub $100 a month payment in Ny state. The new lineup looks intriguing but NJ should be able to get Sub $75 dollar a month Ev’s with these type of rebates.

F the rebates and NJ rebates in particular. As I’m sitting here reading the latest in the series of idiotic letters from the school district about heat wave and no air conditioners in schools and/or buses, I find it very hard to understand why state government needs to spend money to subsidize products that could just as easily be forced down everyone’s throat on federal level, or by market economics in general.

Tesla should be excluded based on on “luxury brand” along with all other luxury brands, simply because those are “preference” products. The cheaper alternatives don’t need incentives if they are going to compete with their gas counterparts on pricing and features. And lastly do the everyone’s favorite move, tax gas into European levels. Ta-da, no government money needed and everyone is driving electric. Then realize that you have no revenue from gas tax, and tax EVs by some once again random amount, ta-da, everyone is screwed, as it should be!

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.




I don’t necessarily disagree with you but it’s important to make the distinction that these funds come from clean air taxes/fees that utility companies pay, not from property taxes like schools. Granted, I’m sure that the utility companies pass that onto the consumer in at least some form or another. But this isn’t coming from a pie where resources are being taken from another category. These are specifically earmarked for clean air initiatives.


These changes sound great! Hopefully the dealer lobby can finesse it so that the car must be purchased / leased through a franchise dealer so that Tesla buyers receive 0.

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While I get what you are saying and completely understand the pie allocation, the earmarking of funds for bullshit purposes is the problem. I said that before, build EV infrastructure, not incentivize each car, and the conversion will happen. As it stands right now and the way these brilliant programs are designed is not sustainable. I’m going to buy / lease an EV, but next car I’ll go back to ICE because there is no rebate anymore. I appreciate when people say I’ll never go back to ICE, but that applies to a very small percentage of a very small percentage of population that went EV to begin with.

And why incentivize based on cost of the car or electric milage? How about incentivize based on the car you are replacing? If I junk an 85 towncar in favor of an ionic I get a free ionic. If I junk a a hybrid, I don’t get shit! Cash for clunkers 2.0! That worked out great, let’s do THAT again!

And the problem of taxation is going to come up sooner or later. If there is not enough revenue coming from gas sales, where is the shortage going to come from? More toll roads? With cashless tolling any street can now be converted to a toll road. Per mile tax tied to registration? Unicorn farts? Or most likely from taxing electricity rates.

And let’s not forget the failing grid. How are we going to support the fact that all of these EVs need to be charged somewhere? Everyone starts using air conditioning and there are brown outs and blackouts. Let’s add EVs into a mix, right I forgot we solved that problem with solar panel subsidies.


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All valid points and I don’t disagree with any of them. However, unless you are going to get into politics and try and change the world, my position is simple: If the incentives are there and worthwhile to me, I will take advantage of them.

I have leased EVs and I have solar panels in NJ. Both of which were strictly financial decisions for me.


That’s kind of the point of my rants. I didn’t say (at least I don’t think i did while I was rambling on) that I won’t take free money. I just hate what this money is spent on. If the government be it local, state or federal wants to give me money, sure, but it shouldn’t want to. If we have all of this money use it for something useful. But that’s where we go back to @jeisensc meme of “sir this is wendys” :slight_smile:


Not to sound like a dick or anything, but all I see are ionics/konas/bolts/i3s being discussed here, when my $37/month leaf deals AFTER the charge-up program expired absolutely destroyed any of the aforementioned cars/deals WITH the charge-up program…


But the Leaf deal comes with an unfortunate burden of having to be seen in a Nissan :slight_smile:

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If Nissan Leaves are so great, why wasn’t Carl Ghosen smuggled out of Japan in one? :leaves:


The problem I have with the Leaf is the best rate is at the 24mo term and that doesn’t qualify for the NJ rebate. You wind up paying $30/mo more to get to 36mo.


By this statement, “How about incentivize based on the car you are replacing? If I junk an 85 towncar in favor of an ionic I get a free ionic.” smart people will simply buy the 85 towncar used and then “junk” it for the EV, so that too is like a loophole to get free gov’t cash!

Seems like those Costco deals earlier this year where could get $800 off a new Samsung Galaxy S21 phone if you trade in any other Galaxy phone starting from S6 which can be bought used on ebay for 50 bucks and up to the S10+ which went for well over $400-$500+. Would be pretty dumb even if you already owned the S10+ to use for trading in right :slight_smile:

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That’s not accurate. On a 36 month, with the full ev rebate, it’s much cheaper