Some Camaro LT1 data points

In my case it took Algo a week to come up to 36k from original offer of 35 and going back and forth—if you wait and make them think you are on the fence they will keep pushing up.

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my payoff is around 375XX and was offered 35k by GMTV.

ALGo offered $34,700 for it. Payoff is $33,7xx so I took it. Ends up making 4 months of ownership $800 including insurance. Beats dealing with the hassle of lease transfer


I’ve done 2 GM transfers

Never electronically

Is that right they’re electronic now @BoardWalkNJ

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I was going off of this from their lease transfer page:


How long did the process take?

6-8 weeks

But I believe we both had to sign the same form on physical paper at the time

just got an offer from RODO - 41k msrp, 37450 payoff, 37k offer.

just got another offer from RODO - 41k msrp, 37120 payoff, 38900 offer. i have countered their offer so I can get 39120, 2k over payoff and I used for 4 months (329x4) nets me a free car for 4 months and 680 back in my pocket. if RODO sticks to their offer, I still net 480 over


Just committed to sell to originating dealer.

MSRP $39,475
Payoff $34,476
Original dealer buy price $37,800.

I had the car for 4 months and I made $339 x 3 in payments, received $750 back from dealer for an unused rebate, for an actual cost of $267 for the 4 months. The sale will clear $3324, for a net profit of $3057.

Strange times…

Edit…Ended up selling it back to the original dealer for the same price instead.


So safe to say you win this game.

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Someone will easily beat this. Your deal and mine are probably basically the same with the only difference being the upfront Texas taxes.


@volnedan …You crushed it on your sale? I think you had the lowball lease payment of the board, you probably had the maximum profit tooz Some folks are just too greedy😜

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Look at you! Man the LT1 crew is dropping like flies lol. Nice that you got the sneaky $750 rebate. Your profit over payoff is higher than mine, so you win this round…

So no one has gotten to month 6 to even attempt a transfer yet? :rofl:

Early profit potentials are too tempting…and LHers have no patience anyway😁


Plus…on a transfer best case one could maybe get $2-3k down…which is in range of the profit for a direct sale now without the swap hassles/tire kickers/failed credit checks.

Yeah this is the more compelling argument. Why turn down guaranteed money in your pocket? Good on you guys for making out like a bandit.

Nice, I had a decent local offer for the car but pulled out last minute. A 42k, 455hp car for $285 a month is to hard to give up on. What is GMTV?

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