(sold) 2018 Audi S4 Demo Vehicle Deal

Year, Make, Model, and Trim:
2018 Audi S4 Premium Plus
MSRP: $59,800
Monthly Payment:
$480.95 + tax
(15k miles $529.64 + tax)
Drive-Off Amount: $1,389.47 ($1,441.94 for 15k miles)
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 10,000
MF: 0.00064
Residual: 57% (54% for 15k)
Available Incentives:$2000 bonus $1000 acquisition
Location:Southern California
Must have Acquisition: Applicable to current owners and lessees of MY05 or newer vehicles from the following brands: BMW, Lexus, Mercedes-Benz.

This is a 2018 Audi S4 I have in stock that is a demo car with 380 miles
dm me or call/text me 951-275-3380


wow helluva deal for an S4

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Best S4 deal I have ever seen advertised, wish I was in the market for a sport sedan…

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Damn, nice deal…

This is a steal. 202020

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Didn’t Infiniti used to be listed as a valid acquisition? Bummer…I would have jumped all over this :frowning:

If I have a Lexus that I owe lease payments on until the end of the year, could I take advantage of this deal or would I need to pay down the lease first on my car?

Are the Audi demos as common as BMW? My local BMW dealer has 40 demos advertised for sale. My Audi dealer has none. I’d jump on a deal like this in my area.

You can take out the conquest and stretch it to 42 months to keep the payment low.

They are very uncommon, now that I am registered on this website I will be posting deals like these that are steals. I can also replicate any of Ivanaudi’s deals on vehicles in my inventory

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Good deal. Who’s the bank that holds the lease?

This is an excellent deal! I worked for Audi, and I can tell you that employee lease when the car first came out was much higher than this! Someone needs to jump on this deal! Great car too… I just received pricing for a lease on an S4 recently, I have a similar deal on the table, but the manager is a personal friend. The way this deal is structured, this is a loser for the dealer, and of course a win for the buyer. The dealer of course benefits by moving a unit. Good work Jonathan!

Great deal…I couldn’t even get an A4 P+ with MSD to that payment. If this is through AFS MSD’s only make it better.

MSD available? MF reduction per each?

Are those really the wheels that come with the S4? The car looks very funny, especially the rear wheels and the way they are tucked in.

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Nice deal @Jonathan. You may want to share the non conquest monthly as well.

Nice deal. Who says Audi deals cannot had. Unfortunately this looks like a rare bird, one-off only. Not something that can be replicated by even the savviest leasehacker at another dealership on another unit. Just yesterday someone posted their S4 deal which was 650 a month.

If they are giving conquest, or 42 month option, looks like the deal is through AFS. In which case, negotiate your best offer and then plunk down MSD for another 20-30 discount? 59k Audi S4 for 460 a month is a great deal, not as great as 59k Volvo for 299. But seems Audi S4 is more baller status than grandpa’s car that the S90 is

Need to run the numbers but depends on the program. Eg Infiniti program is 2x as good as Volvo