Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2020 Chevrolet Trax LS FWD
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Monthly payment (pre-tax): $153
Effective monthly payment (with tax): $168
Current mileage: 4,000
Maturity mileage: 30,000
Effective miles per month:1,250
Maturity date: 3/7/2023
MSD due (if any):$0
Cash due (if any): $250
Incentive for new lessee (if any): $0
Financial institution: GM Financial
Transfer fee: $625
Out-of-state transfer allowed (yes/no): no - CA only.
Vehicle condition (accidents, tire wear, etc.), options, and other details:
Car is in excellent condition. Barely driven in the pandemic, only 4k miles.
This is a base model without many bells and whistles but the lease price is unbeatable.