SoCal Toyota Special Lease Offers

Yes it does. 20char20

Thank you very much for quick response.

Hello Cody,

May I get a quote for a manual 86? 24 months would be preferred. Thank you in advanced

see spreadsheet for pricing

Hi Cody, Please provide quote for leasing 36/12 and 36/15 for 2017 Toyota Mirai. Thanks

Numbers moved to spreadsheet Contact me for link

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Hi Cody, I’m from Riverside and looking into getting a cheap lease deal for my daily driver. Deciding between Corolla IM '17 or '18, Camry SE '18 or Corolla. Any crazy end of month deals? This is for 12/36.

2017 Corolla iM is sold out. Here are the deals. I run the same deal all month.

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I am trying to get that selling price after rebate on 2018 corolla SE; No luck so far. I am in Seattle; I would definitely sign a lease if I get same deal here.

The SoCal market is crazy low pricing. I worked in AZ before and would never have been able to do these numbers.

Hey Cody, you seem to be a very stand-up guy, being very straight-forward with your lease deals, fast with responses, etc. (and importantly not using any shady sales tactic). I really appreciate it.

I will definitely get my next Toyota from you (either a Sienna or Tacoma) soon.


Thanks Cody, the zero drive off is attractive, but I’m holding out for v6 a bit longer. Maybe the v4 if it’s a deal I can’t refuse
XSE, has better lighting

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Hey Cody, How about $0/$0 on a Yaris IA? What is the Max number of miles you can get on a lease?

Camry has a 4 cylinder, not a v4

Hi Cody! I’m looking at the Corolla IM. I see the 1250 rebate. What is that for? Does everyone get that rebate or do we need to meet certain requirements?

It is a factory rebate. It is available to all

Yaris iA lease will be higher than Corolla. You can technically purchase up to about 40% of MSRP I believe. I would have to check the exacts again. How many miles did you need?

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Here are the Camry. Now that some are in stock.

Camry See Spreadsheet

Is 20000/Yr possible? Which one can go for about 40% off MSRP, the Yaris or Corolla?

Not 40% OFF. its 40% of MSRP. Basically you can buy that many miles or a cost of 40%.

see spreadsheet