SoCal Toyota Special Lease Offers

Not available on the Tacoma’s

How much DAS for the Tundra off road and 4runner? What are the terms?

Send me a PM for details

Cody - we are super happy with my Highlander - you are the best! Might get a Prius now. When you get a second could you please send me the new numbers for Prius? Thanks again

Awesome!. The prius numbers got way better this month. :slight_smile:

Sorry to bother… Are the Prius numbers up, or am I having trouble with Chrome on my phone? I know Highlander is hiding next to Corolla bc I can click it…

Anyone else having issues?


Just how it displays on your phone. You can download “sheets” to view it better.


:woman_facepalming:t2: Doh! Thanks Cody!

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@Cody_Carter - Thanks again for a wonderful experience while helping us out with our Corolla SE. Would definitely recommend and hoping to send more business your way.


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Aged Units gone

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Looks like I’m an owner of a new Supra Launch… accidentally won an eBay Auction for it. :neutral_face::moneybag:



eBay after a few beers can be a dangerous place.

Better move some more cars…

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Whoa! Congrats man!
Where is she coming from?

GA but it’s weird I just noticed they listed it again… sent them a msg

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Hopefully not the back of that smashed up transport…

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May I ask how it compared to MSRP

$65k $7k over


Congrats on the Zupra.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Off Topic Landfill

Cody, is there a way to tell which package the truck comes with on your guys’ website?