So there is one problem when you lease a unicorn

How did you get out if Volvo lease given that Volvo does not allow transfers? Carvana or Vroom? In that case did you have to bridge the negative equity?

No Costco was offered when I got the car in Nov 19, it was combination of really good incentives, high residual, low MF, and a dealer who had this as a demo for 1 year on the lot that he couldn’t sell. I did put down $2250 in MSDs, which I will get most back after the few hundred negative equity hit I took on the payoff.

As stated above, I sold the car to Algo. Vroom initially had the best offer, but Algo beat it by $75 and they picked up the car about 4 days after I signed the papers online. Few hundred bucks of negative equity. Not bad since I had sign and drive on the LT1. I would say 99% of my leases have required $1k total due at signing for up fronts (1st mo, acq, tax on rebates, etc).


Have you leased at least a hundred cars?

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Wouldn’t know.

But if you’re not at risk for replacing tires or breaks, I’d extend for a few months while figuring out what vehicle you’ll get into next.

I just turned in a 2017 Kia 900 that I leased for 0 down and $400 a month. I found out that the next lease was going to be more money.

Yup…That is a unicorn right now for sure. I am mainly looking for an M235 however, but I am probably going to have to adjust expectations down. The 228 for half price is a far better value.

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What happened to you sub 200 4 series coupe?

This plus an LT1?

Haha you sound like my wife. But no, I’ve probably leased 15 cars in the past 22 years, if I include my wife and my parents. Obviously not all require the large amount due at signing, but the luxury brands (BMW, Volvo, Infiniti) generally have higher acquisition fees.

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I have a problem yes.:grin:

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I mean I’m not one to throw stones in this case either, haha.

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Going from unicorn to unicorn is doable. You just have to be flexible and also be ready to jump on deals. The shopping must also start few months before the lease expiration to allow ample time.
I have been able to string 3 unicorns in a row. Bolt to Tundra to Etron.

@ElectricEliminator has also a streak of unicorns and some even got themselves 2 of the same unicorn like 2 etrons or 2 bolts!!!

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So now you are without a new lease waiting on a better kia lease to fall into your hands?

Was referring to the 99%, if your Camaro was sign and drive, you would have to have 99 other leases with at least 1000DAS!

But nice history there, I’m kind of probably gonna end up leasing a lot more vehicles now that I learn about trading and selling with + equity.

My last 2 leases have been great leases payment wise and ease of the deals were just as easy. Didnt spend months or weeks. Actually just days with my last 2 leases. I rarely go into the dealer before chatting up at least a dozen dealerships. I did think that my second lease with the same company would be somewhat of a struggle but it ended up being just another sweet deal. If I can stretch it to 3 in a row come end of 2021 then ill be ecstatic however my trim they do not make any longer so will have to see what happens

There will be a lot of 228 retired loaner soon and most of them are low mileage due to this pandemic. Dealers use 2 series now instead of 3/4 series for their loaner fleet. Worth to shoot around for those as long as you are not too picky.
At first I was trying to find a 4x4 Tacoma, since I saw some unicorn deal recently on here but in my state, CA, some dealer even marked up the price so that’s a no go…
I got at least 100 emails say NO to my face but all I need is 1 YES… patient is the key oh and luck too if you are not in hurry.

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I think the best mentality to have is to work within the environment you have to work with at a given moment. Next time around a “free” car is probably out of the question, however there’s always another way to challenge yourself to find the maximum value in a given segment. Camaromania is a good example of that right now. The people here who know how to work a deal are smart and resourceful enough to make the next one great too. It’s just a question what that next one will be!


Finally, a place where I belong :slight_smile: If I had the funds I would probably have ten cars in my driveway.


averaged over your lifetime, a few unicorns sprinkled in with normal leases is still a big win

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