Signing a Company up for Volvo A-Plan

Terms and conditions have just changed unfortunately. Details are in the other thread, but there’s now effectively a holding period.


Yes, similar to other manufacturers’ affiliate hacks, Volvo is tightening the noose a bit. [Ford had a 60 day waiting period for the American quarter horse extra $500, GM had a 30 or 60 day wait for Farm Bureau, before they killed it]

How long is the holding period?

That post was vague at best and to me it sounds like he was referring to a new company signing up with Volvo.

Juat looked at VCOA and thier info hasn’t changed at all about joining and benefits.

Can you link that post here?

I think I got it the link right…

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Has anyone had success registering their company? It seems like it’s an immediate benefit if you are approved.

Let me know, as I own a company with over 500 people employed.

No luck on my side, I never heard back from Volvo.

I spoke to someone at Volvo. They sent me some documents that my HR team will need to fill out and then we should be good to go. It takes a month for the A-Plan pricing to be effective, though. There’s also a few requirements (e.g., your employer has to agree to send out a monthly email with all of the current deals).

Could you PM the blank application and their return email/fax?

Reach out to them yourself, they will assign a representative to you and help you through the process.

Not trying to pass this off but rather it will be easier and quicker for you if you handle it yourself.

Tried reaching out for over 2 months with no avail.

I asked my employer’s benefits provider to apply about 2 month ago also. They did not hear back from Volvo yet.

I guess you guys are getting screwed over or something. I think it was about a week or two process when I signed my family’s company up. I’ll take a look and see if I can find the forms they sent me.

Thanks, and/or a contact person.

Maybe they are busy with everyone signing up for a-plan after reading here about all crazy Volvo deals :slightly_smiling_face: A la Volvo club.
Or maybe bigger companies take longer to process paperwork…

We’re not exactly a small company.

But honestly it seems like a super easy process, the paperwork is extremely basic. I think the only thing I didn’t know off the top of my head was our corp ID.

I found the application and will DM it to you.

Did you try reaching out to this email and/or phone number?

Registering another case where we never heard back from Volvo. Kind of a bummer.

How long ago did you apply? Luckily, I still have at least a year :slight_smile:

Beginning of November - sent emails to two different addresses.