Signed : BMW i7 2023 Loaner $1245 0 DAS 7500/36

Signed. 2023 BMW i7 loaner had 8550 miles. Had a car with negative equity of -18700

MSRP : 126625

Selling Price : 85852

rebates : 10900

Negative equity : around 18700

Pmt : 1245 for 7500 miles.

Put everything in PMT. All the drive off and MSD i am gonna bet on BTC :slight_smile: …
Please dont ask about dealer as it cant be reproduced.


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Yikes. Without that negative equity, your monthly payment would have been about half. Enjoy the i7.

Couldn’t have found a better way to bust that negative equity and still wind up with a payment that would be great for a new i7!

Now… for the real hack… put it on Swapalease and let someone else payoff your negative equity for the next 3 years, and then you get another car…


Damn bro how much did you hate the last car that you took a 19k L?


Let’s say this was the best course of action. The car had several issues, including being hit by my wife. It was either get it fixed and to be claimed through insurance —which could risk losing our car insurance altogether (as companies in California are dropping coverage more frequently)—or face a significant increase in premiums, potentially raising the rates by $300–600 per six months. Additionally, there was already an at-fault parking accident in the past year, further complicating the situation.

I’d do this in a heartbeat…


Off topic here for a second, but it is going to be interesting to see what this car sells for in 3 years on the open market (Adjusted RV is listed as $65.9k).

Incredible payment considering there is nearly $19k buried into the deal. Swap out of that sucker and get another deal!

I dare OP to hack an i5 for $299/month (with $0 DAS) and transfer it out to me. I will come grab it from the East Coast.:grin:

Was it a Tesla? :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Was at the dealer in SoCal today and the best I can do on i5 is 16% off. That’s still ~600 msrp for 76k 40i. I have no idea how they are going to move these

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I mean, that’s a pretty great deal if that’s a new car… How is this bad? Am I missing something?

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I was wondering that as well. On a 2025 or 2024?

24 brand new
The car is slow , way slower than ix. 2wd
Small back seat
Same payment as ix

I really like the way it looks but i still think it is 100 or so too expensive for what it is.

What iX that isn’t a used and abused loaner needing new tires is going for $600 in CA?


Why wait, Dave has one more left at nearly identical terms. @n4s you got from Dave, right?

I was kind of being sarcastic. Anyway, back on topic.

That’s a good deal on a new car.

Then, look at an AWD trim.

Then get something cheaper.

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Know anyone who can help on that. Thinking to do that and may get some year end crazy deal.

You have to compare apples to apples (dual motor AWD for each)