Signed : BMW i7 2023 Loaner $1245 0 DAS 7500/36

It’s really easy. Once BMW FS has your title, just create a listing on SAL. Post the pretax payment and the other particulars in your listing. Probably ask for no down payment. You should have a few bites within a week. When you have someone ready to move forward you call BMW FS and inform them you want to initiate a lease transfer and give them the transferee’s info. Then the transferee gets sent a credit app, once approved they get sent more documents to sign and then before you know it within a couple weeks you’re handing the keys over and you’re free and clear.

I would definitely do this if I were you. @IAC_Scott is right, perfect opportunity to wipe all the neg equity at once and start with a clean slate.


What clean slate we should go with. I love BMW i7 another BMW i7 or EQS SUV. Then those are my choices.

i7 interior is the best (quality and comfort wise). EQS kind of cheaped out on the interior, especially the back seats are so uncomfortable. The exterior kind of grows on you, but you can’t do much on the interior.

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