Signed bmw I5 Edrive 40 M package

I know you never get the greatest deals when a new model comes out. But after a couple weeks of speaking to different dealers, I feel like I received a solid deal.

Msrp 76.1k
Selling price $68,656.44
Drive off 3.4k + full MSD
Full MSD = 4900
36 months
10k miles
Monthly payment $700.00 even tax included 9.5% based out of Los Angeles.


Looks good, enjoy! How many months?

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thats imporant! lol
36 months. thank you!!

What was the discount off MSRP?

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You mind sharing what dealer you got this from? PM?

3400 down or just paying for the fees, etc?

Discount slightly under 10% like 9.9 I put the selling price on the original post.

3.4k was drive off plus the full MSD 4900


Great job. Congrats :clap:t2:

Looks to be a solid deal! Can you PM me the dealer / rep? I’m looking for a new BMW in the next couple of months… :eyes:

that looks like a solid deal yet - one of the TX bmw broker had i5s with similar discounts

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Yeah we’re sending them out as we get units that get abandoned or doing some locates for cars that will deliver this month.

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How do you like it, btw?
What did it replace?

Nice Deal!!

Great car, like a baby I7 But a lot less payment.

Leasehackers is a disease to me, evetime i get a new car and see a crazy deal for another one VIA this forum, it makes me want a new car.

This year i have had the EQS SUV BMW IX BMW i4 and now the I5. (EQS was bought back)

EQS was the smoothest ride, however the I5 even though I like to sit higher when I drive, is great for the price. Gave the IX to my wife, so now i am completely BMW.


Solid deal, congrats! Would you mind sharing dealer/broker info? My EQS is being repurchased, and I’m looking for a replacement.

Very sharp looking vehicle!!

That’s a much better deal than what I’m currently looking at on an edrive 35 i4 that in supposed to be picking up today. I think I’m going to shop around a little more now.

Nice looking car. What color is this?

Wow, great deal! We’re paying $679/mp for 36mo on our i4 35, that’s with $3500 due at singing, so sound like you got the better deal for sure.

The programs on the i5 are much more attractive out of the gate, so it makes sense as to why this deal appears to be so enticing.


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