Signed: 2024 xc90 Recharge ultimate in CA

Hey folks - Just signed our first lease and curious if this was an alright deal… We weren’t too sure how to play the lease game but wanted that ev credit

Model: 2024 XC90 Recharge Plug-In Hybrid T8 Ultimate Bright 7-Seater

MSRP: 83,655
Discount: -8,150
Rebates: -11,000
Dealer add on: 695 (I know :frowning: )
Agreed value less discounts / rebates: 65200
Acq fee: 995
Doc fee: 85
Down: 0
Total cap: 66,280

Residual: 69%
MF: .00315 (before MSD)

24m/10k miles per year
Monthly: 820.75 (incl tax (CA) @ 10.25%)
Cash paid incl MSD: 8,622 (1622 ttl/first month - 1500 Costco/affinity + 8500 MSD)

Location: southern california

Lease hacker link with more details


Good deal! You did very well! Enjoy the car!

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good deal! you’re well under the ‘1%’ number people commonly strive for and have almost a 10 year LH score. XC90s are the absolute best choice right now (deal wise) if you’re wanting a luxury 7 seater.

What options did you get for that MSRP? I just got a recharge as well with air suspension and lounge package, absolutely love those options on the XC90. This car is perfect in my opinion if they’d simply update the aesthetics of the infotainment as it feels a touch dated. The Google overhaul though makes it work much, much better though!


Yeah, we wanted a 3 row plug in hybrid with a bench and there’s not many options other than this.

For options, we got the tow hitch, protection package, and luggage cover. Air suspension would’ve been nice but ah well.

Can you elaborate on discount and rebate sections … I am in norCal. So wondering whether I can get same

Great deal, looking for something similar. Could you let me know which dealer this was in SoCal?

Impressive. I tried to lease one of these a couple of weeks ago in norcal and gave up. Local dealers offered me 2K in discounts haha

TBH neither of those metrics mean much.

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I don’t use them but others do, so I mentioned haha

Yea NorCal Deals are bad. I am also getting bad numbers

Have you explored shipping from soCal ?

Sure there’s a better metric. But 1% does mean something to many people, however flawed it is.

1% of 70k car is certainly better than 2% of 35k car. Non LHers can easily relate to this.

Explaining car market value, available incentives, regional specific deals, best value for a given month… these are like explaining maxGPT to random folks on the street.

This is the whole purpose of this website though instead of r/askcarsales or just blindly walking into a dealer uneducated.

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Dumbing down the conversation isn’t the point of LH.

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Good Deal! Pls dm the dealer info, I am also looking for similar one in SoCal

Please dm me the the dealer info please.

Rebates: -11, 000

what’s that $1500 besides “application of $2,000 Lease Bonus and $7,500 EV Lease Bonus”?

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Interested in learning what those rebates are?

Can you share?

Awesome deal and congrats

Now that you did the work, please share the dealer information so everyone can rush them and ruin any goodwilll that you created for future deals!


I am a first time lease person, here is the numbers i got from the dealer
Market Selling Price - 76,430
Total Saving - 17085 (including incentives from costco and finance bonus from Volvo plus 7500)
Adjusted price: 59345
etch : 249
Protectipon: 995
Total Purchase: 73089
GAVAT: 543
Taxables estimated: 145
Doc Fee: 699
Balance : 62971

T6 Plus XC90 Recharge Plus

24 months - 1000 down - Payment: 825 - residual value 55,030
36 monts - 1000 down payment, Payment:960, residual $45,858

Is it good to take this lease? I am not able to get the right calculations.

Get the protection shit off.