Saw some decent broker deals on the forum and decided to try my luck. Needed another car for a year or so, so 18mo lease was attractive. AH, after emailing 20+ dealers, was able to land this deal yesterday based on Dec programs. I think numbers change tomorrow.
Was also able to sell my Audi S6 deal back to a dealer for a $2K check, so inclusive of that was pretty happy. Going from 10mpg to 35mpg is nice too although the CVT is a
MF with MSD’s is still over 7%… good ole Nissan. Anyway.
If you like the car - well done, as it is certainly an above average deal. I wouldn’t go less than an SL myself, so you took the correct path there. The Altima is a lot of car at your price point IMO.
Most terms expire EOD today, I believe NMAC included. You will have to see what the new terms are to determine if this deal is even able to be replicated.
I wonder how long it will be until Nissan realizes that they have offloaded all of the depreciation risk on their cars via these short term leases… to themselves? Maybe they just don’t care and/or make enough on the rent charges to be able to do this at scale?