Signed: 2023 Mercedes EQS-580 SUV $721/mo 24/7.5K $935 Total DAS

Had many dealers laugh in my face when I tried to get this price target, but there was one willing to work, we went back a few times and he said he would use the march madness with Amex, but not with $10k MIB. It really sounds like the 7.5k march madness is something that they lose out of, not really sure the dynamics between this one and other rebates

MSRP: $129,040
Selling Price: $119K
March Madness: $7.5K
Lease Bonus: 7.5K
Amex Fleet: $12K
Federal EV: 7.5K

Pricing was essentially same for 24 vs 36 months. What would most people choose?
LH Score: 15.4
Calc: Link

Not sure if the above breakdown is exactly how they did it, but that was my impression. They may have used all the 7.5k x 2 and fleet in the rebate section and not the selling price, but i think it was the latter.

Includes 2 free years of charging thru Electrify and also the home wall mount charger.
They said they couldn’t add the NYSERDA rebate and thats something I had to do on my own, not sure if its true or not, but if anyone knows how I can go about it, please let me know. I wasnt going to argue with them over $500
Very happy w/ this deal. Let me know what you guys think!


It is POS rebate. ONLY dealer can apply it

From edmunds there is only $7500 EV incentive, $10K dealer cash on EQS. Where are the March Madness: $7.5K, Lease Bonus: 7.5K and Amex Fleet: $12K coming from?

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I am in MA, so I had to do a Google search for NYSERDA Hope this helps.

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Even if You hate Rodo time to time You can get valuable info.

were these 2 structured as rebates or discounts on the lease agreement I believe it’s coming as dealer’s end rebate. So it should have been passed as discount rather than rebate. and rebates on the contract are 19.5k?

Congrats on the deal, I’m trying to work out something similar in VA for my spouse, so far not much traction from local dealers.

i can double check when I get the paperwork

I’d love to match this deal. Thanks!

Pls tell us the dealer u went in NY!!!