Signed: 2023 Ariya Platinum+ e-4orce 18m/10 66.29/month 0DAS

Do you mind sharing the breakdown of your incentives? I was looking in Rate Findr I simply cannot get rebates to stack past ~$11k. I’m in NJ.

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Compare aple to aple.
The deal for $66/m did not have sales tax included nor $800 registration fees.

18 month lease rebate MY23 4340
Lease cash MY23 7500
Bonus cash 2000
Loyalty 1000

These are for 2023 models

2024 does not have the 4340 rebate

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127 for a plat is an insane price still.

What was the dealer discount before rebates?

13.7% discount off msrp 63.4k

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Nissan doesn’t usually allow “bonus cash” to be applied as a rebate (customer cash/summer cash). It’s usually baked into the discount. That’s the real hack here.

They do in Oregon. Unfortunately he didn’t have a Nissan otherwise he could have gotten the 1000 loyalty, and made the deal even lower

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Currently, the calculator is showing the residual for a 2023 Ariya Platinum+ e-4orce at 58% but you have it at 64% in your deal. Did it just change in the middle of this month?

(I’m trying to replicate this in Colorado which could get even better with the state $5k EV credit).

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The middle of this month hasn’t arrived yet.
64% for 2023 plat+ for 18/10 lease seems correct to me.

Don’t know where in COL you are but just ran Denver for 18/10 like anique did and seems to be 64%. That should help you alot

This is what I was just offered by lease company in AZ what am I missing and where are they ripping me off?

quote.pdf (279.8 KB)

Looks like rebates are being baked in as a discount.

what is:

the residual?
money factor
whats in the non-tax fees? is part of it bank fee and registration fees?

which rebates make up the $9340?? the below total to that amount but the summer cash should just be for 2024

ask dealer for a breakdown of discount amount and rebate amount


Which dealer in WA?

Wait… do 2023 Ariya 18m Lease Cash and Select Summer stack?

I thought Select Summer was only for MY2024 cars.

From Rate Findr:
Any customer purchasing an eligible MY24 vehicle from any authorized Nissan Dealer during the program period.

It should! The guy here stacked it on his deal. I haven’t worked with a dealer this month though on it so I can’t confirm.

One other thing I have noticed in recent contracts is that the box stating that the customer can purchase additional miles at 10 cents isn’t checked… isn’t that a problem?

Can someone break this down for folks in California ? How much would this deal be with 9.5% tax approximately ?
Also any recommendation for dealers which are accepting these terms ?

  1. MY23 Ariya 18 Month Lease Cash = $4,340
  2. Select Summer Bonus Cash: $2,000
  3. MY 23 Ariya $2000 Customer Bonus Cash = $2,000
  4. Ariya Loyalty Cash = $1,000 (must qualify).
    TOTAL for the 18 month lease rebates = $9,340

The residual for 18 months at 10k miles per year is 66% and the money factor is 0.00073.