Signed: 2023 Ariya Platinum+ e-4orce 18m/10 66.29/month 0DAS

Family member from Oregon got an amazing deal in Washington state on a loaded Ariya.

Selling price:55685
Monthly payment 66.29

The price doesn’t include approximately 700-800 in oregon gov fees they will have to pay once they get back to Oregon. Overall with the gov fees they are paying effectively 105 a month. Gotta love not having sales tax.




Wow thats a sweet deal! I’m going to see if I can emulate this deal with a dealer here in AZ

Congrats! This is the kind of deal I’ve been chasing here in CA since I learned about the extra 2k rebate for this month.

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Does Washington state have any additional EV rebates? What I’m trying to ask is whether this could be replicated on East Coast?


Need something like this in tristate area!!

This is cheaper than my gym supplements :joy:


In WA the sales tax is 0%.
That will be challenging to replicate it anywhere else with 10% sales tax.
If you have time send Your proposal with the payment you like to 30 or 40 dealers and see what will happen.

Hey, You never know!!!

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Other than 0% tax, there’s no special WA EV rebate or anything like that?

Nope. Just nice almost 13% dealer discount.
This is the most challenging part on Your hunt.
Good luck.
If You have no time i know dealer with so so deal like $299/m with $1k DAS for NY customers with NO Loyalty. 24 Ariya Engage trim.
Westchester area , NY dealer.


it probably gives you energy, not consumes it.

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pretty insane and pushing calculator to it’s limits :slight_smile:

Looks like hackrscore ~20 is no longer good enough for Arias.

Actually, one more question… How do I get a list of all applicable rebates? OP mentioned 15840 in rebates but I’m only seeing 7.5 + 2 = 9.5 on Edmunds.

So this wins the Ariya Platinum race for sure haha.

The best in tristate I got was $350 DAS $350 a month and that was when i negotiated down from $550 a month. That was May though (but it was the last day)

EDIT: I see the 18 month rebate went up 1k? Probably can get it below 300 now.

Really looking at it this is insane. I would be surprised if it can be matched. Unicorn at this point.

Can you please share where you check these rebates?

If you are seriously looking I’d sign up for super supporter in the calculator. You place in the car details and the months / mileage and it gives you all the rebates. You would need to choose which one’s you qualify for.

That being said he posted it in the link. He got:

-2000 customer cash
-2000 select summer
-7500 ev
-4340 ariya 18 m lease cash

The only thing i dont know about is the select summer. I thought they were for 24s only but seems I was wrong on that.

You need to find out which ones you qualify for based on zipcode. Edmunds can help if you dont want to pay the $10.


Unfortunately, there is no place to check all dealer cash or extra incentives from the manufacturer. But the breakdown above is correct. We just got last weekend similar rebates.
Some dealers will bake the dealer cash with the dealer discount.
This is the challenge here.

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Edmunds doesn’t mention lease cash, unless I’m not looking it up correctly. Anyway, appreciate it!


Good morning, I live in WA state and tried to get this deal for myself, and with all the taxes and fees best I could do was 237 a month with 237 due at signing. The 66.29 is only that low because the dealer told the buyer to pay their state registration fees at home, which is like 700-800 dollars. So still an amazing deal but would raise the monthly payment to around 105


That’s weird, usually captives are responsible for paying all the taxes and fees. Ultimately, they OWN the vehicle, and you are merely a renter.

Great Deal! I just got $127.00 same model and sticker. $0 DAS East Coast.

Looks like I overpaid!


For platnium?