SIGNED: 2022 Mercedes-Benz EQS450+ @ $565 per month, $1,238 DAS, $0 MSD

That’s just star access/fleet?

Hmmm🤔, You might be right, not sure.
I think this rebate is for all mebwr of MBCA.
Can you please clarify this @legendsauto @Anthony_Lopez ?

1750 is on the EQE, not the EQS, I think. Has anyone been able to apply it to the EQS Sedan this month?

Is there any loyalty? In addition or instead of conquest?

Does 2023 EQS have the same rebates?

Yes MF and residuals are worse

It’s been hilarious trying to find an EQS in the Mid Atlantic. I’ve even tried to go as far as Atlanta and have been some ridiculous quotes. Leftover 22s with all the rebates being offered to me at 2400/month… What a joke

Try Texas dealers, mb Buckhead, mb st Louis

Reaction Lol GIF by MOODMAN


Yeah working on it lol

I’ve talked to about a dozen dealers so far. A few of them aren’t discounting 22s yet (in fact one dealer offered me 8k off including with 10k incentives baked in).
The best I’ve gotten is 10% off.
THankfully, there are some dealers who are offering 15% off on 23s but they don’t have any 22s :frowning:

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Yeah it’s almost as if they want to keep their 22s

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They are banking on Mercedes pushing large discounts on 22s to make them loaners or demo. Some 23s also arrived before 22s on the lot due to parts shortage. Look at the stock numbers it will give you a clue

Yup, I see some that have been on CarGurus are over 200+ days

A dealer by me is showing a total of 33 EQS 450+…5 are 2022 and 28 2023.:exploding_head:

Yup, a few dealers have 23 on the lots but 22s are in transit. WHich makes no sense. Might wait to see a few more weeks of lease support extends to Apr/May

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They are stuck at VPC

Those are cross listings not actual units on lot

Oh interesting, so we should see more 22s popping up. I’ll keep on eye out

How can one tell?