SIGNED: 2022 Mercedes-Benz EQS450+ @ $565 per month, $1,238 DAS, $0 MSD

@EVKingsPlus 's car, it’s fine.

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Good deal, is that a 2023? What is the discount pre incentives?

That car I was in contract for - I took a different car - I think it will be ready end of this coming week

Nope, I didnt take that one, I took the white one

I’m about to close on a 2022 EQS 450+ loaner, not as good as this deal but pretty close. It took a ton of work and without the help of @Kellstar I never would have got it done. I’ll post the details on Monday, picking up the car tomorrow.


23 posts were split to a new topic: Deal Check: 2023 MB EQS 450 SUV 4Matic $1214/mo $0 DAS

which dealer?? i’ll take that deal

Bro you are like 6 months late lol

@drdvrgs come get your boy


whats a realistic deal right now for EQS450? how much off msrp?

17%-20% off Pre-Incentive

Give him one of those RS

And do you have any in stock?

Yes, I have EQS580 w/o 3rd row at 17% and 0.00078 MF

You dont have EQS450?

Whats your number? are you still at the dealership?

Whats the residual % for 10K miles

I do have 1. Same 17% and 0.00192 MF and it should be 50% for 36/10k miles

Just for the record, I ended up with $482/month for a 24m lease…(gave the deal to a friend since I didn’t want the egg)

Damn can we be friends? Lol! Nice friend good for him. What were the final numbers? And when was this?

I just told you but that was 9 months