Signed: 2022 Jeep Grand Cherokee 4XE Base $64,550 MSRP, 24mo/12k, $392/mo, $392 DAS


Fellow Hoosier! I know the central Indiana CDJR dealers pretty well. Message me if you want any suggestions on who to work with


What is TDM?

Targeted direct mailer. In this case, its in reference to the $1000 targeted offer that pops up occasionally on their website.


I have filled out the form every time it popped up, but didn’t receive any TDM. Does it take time? If so, is there any trick to get it faster?

Keep tryi g in incognito mode. Try different zip codes.

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I got mine on the first try! Thanks a lot! Should I mention it during negotiating or keep it until signing the deal?

I always lay out what incentives i qualify for upfront when i make them an offer.

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Within 24 to 48 hours the dealer will know regardless.

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I was surprised by this. I was doing all my negotiations via text/email and they when I told them about my $1k Jeep bonus they had already factored it in. I asked them how they knew about and it was something about being tied to my email address or name.

correct. it can be looked up via email address

What zip did you use? I’m still trying and can’t get anything

What finally worked for me was VPNing to Chicago, using incognito, and using a Chicago zip. Apparently the VPN step isn’t actually required but I did it anyway.

I got a code that says it’s for 23s only so hopefully the dealer will still take it for the 22.

This is pretty common with any targeted offer on a Stellantis product. Same thing with anything that you may receive in the mail. It’s all in their database.

Check the fine print at the bottom, 2022 should be listed there.

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Thanks, still waiting for the actual email to come through, the fine print on the pop up only mentioned 23.

Can you clarify something? Is this the popup that says to sign up for their mailing list or is it another one that is more specific? Does it e-mail you a code?

No not the mailing list one, it should say “exclusive coupon “

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Ok. So not this one right? If I have closed the $1K offer form out below does that mean it will not ever show up for me again?

This is why you use incognito mode when you try… in case you’ve closed it previously.

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Like I said folks, the manager at the Jeep store was able to generate TDM for me (for some reasons mine wasn’t activating), also my SO was with me so he got another for us since “why not, you may get another soon”

So if you have no luck getting them online, talk to the dealership while you are working towards a deal.