Signed: 2021 Porsche Taycan 4S $1542/month with $1542 OOP

i’m not buying a taycan lol. i have nowhere to charge it and a 1500 a month payment doesn’t feel too appealing.

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Nevertheless, this is a good PSA.

I’m looking to lease a 4S Taycan and would like a similar deal as posted above. Did porsche end lease support on 2020 Taycan?

If any brokers or @aronchi (Are you a broker? ) Can make it happen

Let me know thanks!

This didn’t age well.


Just have to question this :thinking:

Im looking for one, but can’t find anything. :rage::weary:

I financed a Loaner 4S in January and sold it 2 weeks ago for 10.5K more than what i paid. This Market is on :fire:


How do you pay the capital gains on a move like that?

EDIT: 1040 schedule D

Is 14-15% off MSRP pre-incentive a good deal on a loaner/demo Taycan 4s? Dealer offering it to me, but don’t really know market for Porsche.

Please do not bump year old threads.