That’s wild
I guess they can’t penalize you when your contract just states something to the effect of “you are allowed 24,000 miles … before overages start” and nothing about prorating or miles per month.
Moving to NC from VA completely shifted my thoughts on leasing. 3% of payment is awesome!
Nice Cayenne! Enjoy it! As many here have mentioned before, Porsches aren’t cheap nor are they hacker worthy. Yes the Cayenne is a platform shared product, but it is a far cry from domestically badge engineered products of the '80s & '90s. If the Cayenne is what you want to drive, then the only question is do you want to lease, finance, or write a check. If you take his selling price, add tax at 3% (amazing coming from someone who lives in the Northeast), & divide by 60 you get a payment of $1,287.44 per month before interest. If he stays within the allotted mileage parameters (I got my Tacoma in September and already have over 18,000 miles) and pulls ahead with 12 months to go, not only will he have the privilege of leasing another Porsche (he won’t want another SUV after driving a Cayenne) but he won’t need the VERY expensive service that is required at the 40,000 mile mark. Cayennes depreciate more than 911s. If he gets into even a minor accident and it gets reported then he loses more money. When he leases, the depreciation is Porsche’s problem not the OP.
Is 950 including TAX?