2020 GMC Sierra 1500 Elevation Crew Cab 2WD 5.3 V8 8-Speed
MSRP: $47,330
Monthly Payment: $368
Drive-Off Amount: $368
Months: 39
Annual Mileage:15k
MF: 0.0022
Residual: 61%
Incentives: $5,500
Region: TX
Includes $3600 in fees including TX tax 6.25% on cap cost.
Signed in Dec so got $700 Costco cash card as well.
Great deal and gorgeous truck!
Seems like a great deal! Was the $3600 in fees included in payment?
Yes, rolled in. Just paid 1st payment at signing.
I get a sell price of around $39,890ish, 15.7% dealer discount before incentives. Heck of a deal. What sales price did you get on it?
Also MF and incentives seem high. Was this an Ally lease?
Total $13k off MSRP including incentives. Qualified for GM competitive lease. Yes Ally deal.
Thanks for confirming the details! Awesome deal! Kind of regret purchasing instead of leasing my SLT back in November.
Where did you get this deal? Currently shopping for the exact same in DFW
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Wow! Great job. I tried this with my local tx dealer and they quoted me 500. They wanted 3k down just to get closer to 400. Tier 1 credit too.
Can you help me?? I live in Austin, TX and every dealership near me wants $600 a month with 2k down. Nobody is willing to budge.
Can you get me connected with the dealership that helped you out?
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