Signed: 2020 BMW 330i Loaner, $333+tax, DAS $200 + 7MSD, 12k/36, $47k MSRP

Thank you Hackrs for your help in signing this deal!

Year, Make, Model, and Trim: 2020 BMW 330i Loaner
MSRP: $47,245
Selling Price: $36,745
Monthly Payment: $333+tax
Drive-Off Amount: $3,000 [includes MSD $2,800]
Months: 36
Annual Mileage: 12,000
MF: 0.00122 [Terrible rate]
Residual: 57%
Incentives: $2,750 [$1k Feed America, $750 Corporate Incentive, still no idea what the other $1k is…]
Region: NorCal
Leasehackr Score: 12.1
Leasehackr Calculator Link: CALCULATOR | LEASEHACKR



Higher MF due to credit or would the dealer just not negotiate that? Seems like a good deal regardless.

High mf due to high discount.


Ill exchange that mF for that discount any day of the week. Nice work OP.


What @mllcb42 said.

Credit is excellent.

This is a phenomenal deal, congratulations. When the discount is this good, let them hike up the MF all they want. It’s the overall package you should focus on, which it seems like you did and got a solid deal. Well done.

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Curious, what’s this feed America 1k incentive ?

Test drive event. It’s a type of OL code (does not stack with others).

Wow that’s a thic incentive. I guess select dealers had it. OL from what I see is now $500 as most brokers post say dealer will only give $500

I did the test drive at this dealership so they had no excuse to not give me the full &1k haha