Signed-2019 Acura MDX SH-AWD Base MSRP $47,295; $2K DAS and $347 + Tax (Includes Loyalty)

The purchase incentives are around half the lease incentive. You can lease then buy out once you get your first bill with no penalty. Just have to pay the extra disposition fee

That’s inaccurate

Please read my notes

Title says 2K and 347 plus tax
I did 3K and it was 319 plus tax

And I explained why :slight_smile:

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You are buying more cars than you are selling :rofl::joy:

Rule #1 don’t get high off your own supply.

Lol jk obviously…

These do look like good deals for people. Good SUV too. People should take advantage of this info…

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This one is in my mom’s name and it is her car :slight_smile:

I just paid the DAS and lied about it to get her into a nicer car than what she wanted

It is dangerous though haha


Is this a special DAS program you are running, I’d like to get in on it? :rofl::joy: is there a max DAS you are funding?:eyes:

Good job taking care of Mom!

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haha oh yehhhh

I will broker this for free for all sons who pay for the DAS for their moms!


I only mentioned that because I figured it was the only way I wouldn’t get roasted for putting some CCR into the equation

Are these New England only? Your are a great son taking care of mom this way!


Very kind of you to say but certainly wasn’t looking for a pat on the back! Just didn’t want to get creamed for paying CCR :slight_smile:

I believe this dealer will sell to any state as long as its in person signing, and then the person comes back, or ships after its registered.

Such a mensch.


Please mention your dealer… Your attachments dont show up. Please reshare. TIA

@Bostoncarconcierge is a broker - he is not going to give you his dealer name unless you’re working with him. He’s sharing this here as an example of what most dealers would be willing to do right now if you put some effort into it yourself.

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Blind here.:slight_smile: Did not see the word broker…
Was focused on the image… None of the images show up , so difficult to judge the MSRP vs Selling price and other details…

@28firefighter has got my six

I’ve shared more than enough for someone to be able to easily replicate

It’s not a unicorn. Just a solid deal that with a little bit of time, anyone should be able to get.

Can’t spoon feed everything

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So how are you certain your mom isn’t on LH? Maybe the joke’s on you!:rofl:

Great find, and great act of niceness for ma. Speaks to your character. May she enjoy the ride and ten more like it down the road.


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We need nudes of the MDX :rofl:

After watching her attempt to setup CarPlay with the salesman yesterday, Ill bet my life savings that she can’t figure out LH :slight_smile:



Mention of nudes and mom in the same thread is not fun


Could use some clarification here.

It looks like your MF was .00215, but in Illinois the dealers are saying it is .00225 and it’s only .00215 with a $525 refundable security deposit.

Does that sound right? I thought Acura didn’t do SD/MSDs.

They do not do MSDs

Also, have you calculated the difference in MF you just posted? It’s virtually nothing :slight_smile: