Should there be a law against ADM?

Where are you supposed to buy a car if not a Nissan dealer? They all are taking the chip shortage as an opportunity to rip people off. $3000 addendums, 5k second stickers. It’s disgusting and wrong. If Apple say “You know, an iPhone was $1000 on Monday, but you know, today its $1500” you bet your sweet ass the government would get involved. If Nissan sets the price, that price should be honored, not jacked up by unnecessary addons and addendums. This is why people hate buying from dealers, they are completely unnecessary at this point. I loved buying a car from SCION, the price was the price, no jacking it up or down for the times. It was easy and stress free. Hopefully manufacturers will go the way of Tesla and just kill their dealerships, utterly useless concept no one wants.

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I’ve done better in the past being well informed before making my purchase then I would have with dealers and manufacturers price fixing. I’ve had the same car for 1.5 years for a reason. I can’t find a better deal now. So I wait. Just because some people are too lazy to find a good deal doesn’t mean everyone should suffer. Remember if cars have a set price that means no discounts either.

Bye bye leasehackr


You could buy something other than a new nissan.


Then they can just raise the price $3000 because it’s Tuesday and all you can do is smile about how much better that is than an ADM that you can just find another dealer to get around.


Are 1-3 actually laws or just things that dealerships are encouraged to do? (genuine question, I have no idea what the law is regarding these things)

Should there be a floor when the market goes the other way? You know, dealers can’t charge below a certain threshold?

Varies by state.

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What lol, since when is an iPhone a necessity and in the same category as food, water, etc? It is probably the definition of a luxury good.


Google can charge $500 a year for maps and I’ll still pay lol

And I pay $0 for Waze to sell my data. Free market is great when we allow it to function.


You think the government would step in to halt a price increase on iphones? Hahahaha. Wow. I’m glad we don’t live in the same universe. There is no way in hell I want the government telling me how much I can charge for my services. Imagine what your career would look like. “Oh, you want $20/hr to cook these fries? Nope! You’ll get $15 and you’ll be thankful!” And you can’t simply go work at Burger King instead of MacDonalds because the gov has fixed the game and you can’t whore yourself to the highest bidder. That’s no way for a fry cook to live.


Here is some conspiracy for you: how about QAnon run by Putin? Hard to come up with that shit unless you want to destroy the country.


What y’all think about the trading halt during the GameStop fiasco lol

Free market? Let’s ask Nancy!


Well I’m about to pass that first number at 18… Y’all ain’t a good influence.

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Good point, the game is rigged for those who have the power. If dealers have enough power as they do in states like Texas, they will continue to screw the consumers at every turn they can, just as brokerages with GME stock that would have cost short institutions billions had they not been able to rig the game. Or am I just a bitter consumer… maybe.


I believe ADMs and packages actually help informed folks like me who know not to pay for them. I figure the dealers make more off uninformed folks, which allows informed folks to get better deals.

Stay on topic trusted hacker. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes

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Did you watch the new 2 part documentary on HBO about it? Def worth a watch called gaming Wall Street.

It’s called lobbying and it’s so out of hand it’s not funny. Hence why our republic was set up the way it was, states rights vs a large federal govt. however we lost our way just as the founders warned many many times. Basically it’s the cause of most of the current issues in our kleptocracy


You mean you don’t think NADA should be able to donate unlimited amounts of money to super PACS?


people buy houses without doing their research too. If you are patient and stick to your guns it’s not hard to not pay an ADM. I just bought my first new car ever and I was able to get the financing rate and selling price I wanted