Share my experience of being completely ripped off by a custom ordered 2021 m340i

I ordered a car in March 2021. It was a custom built 2021 m340i xdrive and I specifically asked the dealer to install the M Performance Exhaust (MPE). The dealer agreed on everything. The calculator.

The lease program was great at that time. But it turned out the be overpromise from the dealer. When the car arrived at dealership, the dealer found out that the MPE was not approved to install on it. FU this dealer :rage:. I don’t want the sedan without MPE at all. Because 2021 m340i has a 48v mild hybrid system and the exhaust note is awful as in stock.

So I order a new one now in May with a separate dealer who double confirmed that the MPE can be installed. The lease program is pretty bad given the chip shortage in the car industry. The new calculator.

I am completely ripped off :disappointed_relieved:. FU the 1st dealer again for overpromising and underdelivering. But at least with the 2nd dealer, I will get the m340i the way I wanted :crying_cat_face:.


I know a port installed option can be residualized and hence is advantageous but why not just ask the dealer to cover(or significantly reduce) the installation cost of MPE and have the parts department order it for you? Pretty sure most parts department will price match legit online listings for MPE so it should cost you $1500 plus tax + $100ish installation assuming sales can hook you up with reduced installation cost. You can also sell it in 3 years for atleast 50% of the cost.

Given that you’re paying more already due to May programs being worse, I would imagine that adding MPE to your initial order after the fact vs adding it as a port installed option on your current build will be a wash cost wise. Oh and not to mention, if the MPEs go out of stock again by the time your current build hits the port, you’re back to square one.

Edit : Also, your calculator is COMPLETELY off. Residual hasn’t been 61% for 3ers in the past 6 months atleast and acq fees are also incorrect.

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You really refused taking delivery over the MPE exhaust? You could’ve let the dealer make it right by adding it after the fact or adding in some sort of aftermarket exhaust.

There are awesome aftermarket exhausts for BMW. Think Arapovic, etc.

FYI, your initial deal wasn’t strong anyhow so nothing to cry about . Accordingly to your calculator you were going to pay over $800 a month for a 6 cylinder (Non M3) 3 series.


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Spending over $2k more for the new deal, isn’t that near the MSRP of the MPE? Not sure I understand how canceling the first deal and going with the 2nd was a win in the end?


Wow. You are really going to spend almost $850/mo on a 3-series?!!?

You live in LA. You can do such better than these horrible leases, even in this bad market.


I’m shocked to read that in 2021 an exhaust system is optional.

Does the stock 340 just fill the cabin with fumes?

I can see how you wouldn’t want to drive it around that way.


Before you get all hot and bothered OP…

Both of these calculators are wrong.

I’m only doing this from memory but I don’t recall 3 series programs changing much at all from March to May.

Not in front of me but I remember the 58% RV for 10k being consistent

The lease cash of $1500 being consistent

And a slight MF Jump from .00086 to .00093

Unless when you say lease program you’re referring to the deal you negotiated this time around versus last time around.

Either way, the original dealer is probably happy you refused the car because there aren’t a lot of these out there and they’ll sell it to someone else.

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So you’re mad at the dealer because BMW ran out of a part?


Tin foil hat moment. Dealer knew he’d refuse delivery without exhaust. They lied about installing it and knew they’d make much more money selling it now versus honoring previous deal. Though… that first deal wasn’t really special anyways.


I heard the MPE has 5G microchips in it too



This should go in the “Rant to the Hackrs” sub-forum… If there is one :upside_down_face:

If its not yet authorized by BMW NA, be ready for 2nd dealer to decline your request again. Not the first dealers fault if they have a shortage of the part and on stop by BMW NA


Did you request a VIR to confirm the order submission was accepted by BMW AG as spec’d? I’m on the same boat, but mine in currently in production status. My VIR shows the MPE but has the passenger lumbar support removed (due to shortages). That’s unfortunate that your dealer didn’t communicate it as well, and possibly offered it as an add-on if that was really a deal breaker.

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  1. The 1st dealer forget to add the MPE as port install.
  2. The 1st dealer promise a MPE install after arrival at dealership by the Part Department
  3. After arrival, the dealer found out the MPE installation was not approved for them. And they refused to install MPE or any other after market part on this leased part.

I don’t think it’s safe to modify the exhaust for a leased car, no?

You are being completely ripped off by BMW who is charging you close to $70K for a 3 series.




Perfectly fine if you return it to stock.

This could be you right now but you told the dealer to pound sand. He did and sold that custom order for more money


bro you definitely just became m340-less for the next few months. If they couldn’t get you an MPE before, they’re definitely not going to be able to get it now for you…

MPEs weren’t easy to get in the first place and now, well…

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Port installed vs dealer installed isn’t as different as you seem to be indicating. MPE is a bolt on in the end.

Stick to cat-back and you’ll be fine. Easier to revert back to stock.

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