Rookie ISO advice: 2024 Nissan Frontier - NE

You don’t want to sink a bunch of money into a lease. If the car gets totaled or stolen you could very easily be out that entire amount and GAP insurance will not cover that amount you sunk into it.

When totaled or stolen (non-recovered) the lease simply ends and you have no recourse to get that “sunk” money back.

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Makes sense. Say I want to look at another manufacturer (Chevy, Honda, etc.)

Do I have any leverage with my '21 Sentra despite the lease ending soon?

I think with Nissan/NMAC you may be stuck with only Nissan dealers unless it is a dealer group that has both a Nissan dealer and whatever other brand you are looking at.

Check here as the above info may have changed:

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Local dealership has a 2024 SL Frontier. Further research shows I don’t necessarily NEED a Pro-4X and the MSRP difference with the SL is $2,000. If I could talk them into 10% off MSRP on the SL, I would be at $419/mo (this is with the Pro-4X MF and residual, which might differ than SL).

Will talk to sales manager tomorrow and see if he wants to sell a truck :slight_smile:

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MF for you on SL is .00283 (.00313 on Pro-4x) and residual is the same for both at 68%. Difference will be the MF, MSRP and whatever discount you can get.