Rodo (Formerly Honcker) discussion/reviews

FYI this is the biggest mistake someone looking for a lease can make - shopping only the monthly payment without understanding how it’s arrived at. Welcome to the forum and next time we will help you to get a much better deal :slight_smile: post your deal in the shared deals section please!


So I did not make an offer. My local dealers did not even come close to what I got through RoDo. We wanted the 4 door and even for the 2 door the dealers in my area were offering 230+! This vehicle is for a 22 year old - so we weren’t going for all the bells in whistles. If I knew I was going to be judged so harshly for coming onto this forum I would have never posted in the first place.

You’ll report to the stable tonight and every night at 1900 hours, AND WITHOUT THAT PLEDGE PIN! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!



Not too harsh, me thinks. Fact is the deal isn’t terrible but could have been quite a bit better for you.

IThis is exactly the type of customer Honcker, dba Rodo dba whatever they call themselves next time they pivot, is looking for. Uneducated and not a competitive shopper. Sadly, there is probably a lot of business of this type available to them. This company will just become a social/google ad arbitrage marketing play while they look for a buyer. User acquisition (who actually convert) costs are going to bury them, I bet.

Yes I’m very aware of that. We needed a vehicle ASAP that was the bottom line. Will be shopping for a corolla soon, I may or may not come back to this forum. Found some of the responses to be a bit rude.

The responses are honest… that’s it. You’ve been a member of the forum for only a day. If you’re going to put as much LH research into the Corolla as you did into the Tacoma, the results will likely be similar. Whether you come back here or not, isn’t going to matter if you don’t put in the time to do the research…


Well you already know everything so I’m not sure why you would. Honestly I think your comments are pretty rude and defensive. Good luck to you.

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Someone replied with a generic response “we’re looking into the lease numbers for you and will get back to you ASAP” 3 days ago.

I think I shouldn’t have to really wait for 3 days just to get numbers “manually”. you may be providing numbers for other makes n models but not for Jeeps. Sorry, but I give up!

I think Rodo still worked as intended saving this person money and time vs what he could have done in his own.
We need to remember that not many people are aware of this forum and not many aware of broker existence.
So Rodo did help this person not to be completely taken advantage of. In the vacuum of any other info it did work to make a better deal this he was getting in his own. Is it best? No. Average May be.

I’ve seen enough bad auto loans coming through my work where had these customers even saw prices on Rodo they would not be in $900 pilot.

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Hi there, thanks for your order. Can you please email with your first and last name? You should have received a confirmation email and I’m happy to check on that.

Sorry for the delay, but good news, Wrangler prices are fixed and live on the app and site. Take a look!

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I’m glad we were able to get you a good deal and I’ll pass your comment onto Steven. Sometimes, you just need a new car - quickly - at a fair price, with no games. Thanks for using Rodo!

@jalster can’t figure out how to choose a password on the new rodo app (that replaced my Honcker app).
The password section is coming up as text instead of password (despite the password being blocked out) so when I put a special character in there like a “.” it puts a space automatically after it.
This is on Android.
And when I finally got the same passwords meeting all requirements I got this weird error pop-up…
Can’t get past that screen.

Their app is trash but you don’t need to use it. The website appears to have the same functionality.

Thanks for letting me know and sorry you’re having issues. Can you please take a screen shot of what you’re seeing and email to We’ll look into it asap. Thanks.

Honcker lost their main data provider at the end of 2018. They no longer have all of the information they need to accurately calculate leases. The app was really good at one point but has gone downhill since the beginning of the year.


Your opinion is 100% correct. They were cut-off by their previous solutions provider on 12/31/18.


Source? I’d like to more on that story.


They were not cut off. When a data provider dramatically raises pricing for a client, thinking they are the only option available, the client is free to go elsewhere. That is what happened here.

There are multiple sources that have a complete dataset needed to calculate lease payments accurately. One does it through an api that requires all the customer and deal inputs for the correct payment calc. The other is an api that requires a lot and more mapping and logic built by the user to calculate the correct payment.