Range Rover evoque r dynamic hse


Be as specific as possible in the title if you are posting a deal – include car model, monthly payment, and money down.

Include as much information as possible in your post, and even a celebratory picture. :wink:

Year, Make, Model, and Trim:
MSRP: $65000
Monthly Payment: $760
Drive-Off Amount: $2859
Annual Mileage:12k
Leasehackr Score:7
Leasehackr Calculator Link:leasehackr.com/calculator?make=Land_Rover&miles=12000&msd=0&msrp=65000&sales_price=64000&months=36&mf=.00095&dp=1500&dealer_fee=85&acq_fee=795&taxed_inc=0&untaxed_inc=0&rebate=0&resP=63&reg_fee=400&sales_tax=6.675&demo_mileage=0&memo=&monthlyTax_radio=true

Just about to sign this deal on anew 2020 Range Rover evoque r dynamic hse!
Did my homework before I actually decided to take a trip to the dealer but I want to make sure this is a good deal!
Thank you for any advice!

Please don’t pay an effective $819 a month on an evoque.


No it’s a 760 per month including taxes!

With $2859 in drive offs, which is an effective $841 a month

Edit, did my math wrong. $819 a month effective

My total drive off is $2859 nothing more nothing less with a. Monthly payment of $760!
Which I think after some math is pretty reasonable !

They actually started at $829 per month but after negotiations talked them down to $760 monthly including taxes !

Hell, save yourself some money and get a velar

Too big for the wife !
So then I shouldn’t go for it?

With the evoque having just got a refresh, it probably isn’t in a position to lease well. There’s no incentives and you’re getting a piss poor discount.

I know that honestly that they don’t discount the car !
The selling price was actually 63k with a 1k discount being a new model they won’t discount that much!
Bottom line is that I’m trying to ask if the monthly payment are right , which based on the number that I put in the lease hack form it gives me $768 monthly and I’m gonna be at $760 monthly!
That’s all I’m asking !

If that’s reasonable to you then take it but tbh it isn’t that hot of a deal.

So what you suggest to aim for a good deal on this evoque?

Same payment on a sign and drive (0 DAS)

But with 0 DAS it will bring the payment up to $850 so it’s the matter or putting it down or rolling into the payment !

He’s saying to tell them you want 0 DAS and 760 a month

Just to clarify this my down payment is only $1500 !
The rest which is $1359 will take care of the first payment fees and taxes !
I will try with 0 DAS but I think it will be hard tho!

Nothing worthwhile is easy. You came to this site because obviously money means something to you so get out there and work for it.

Happy hacking!

If you approach it already defeated, it definitely won’t. Don’t be afraid to walk. The higher trim evoques aren’t big movers. The car isn’t going anywhere fast.

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Talking with the wrong guy I own a restaurant and I put between 70 to 84 hours per week so for sure money means a lot to me cause it’s not easy after 12 hours per day per 6-6.5 days per week!
I sweat for the money !!! So fir sure I won’t let no one still them from me!

You’re right nothing to loose at the end !
Will update tomorrow morning I guess !