Ram TRX spin off - ordering, configs, flips, etc

What part is correct? I remember something about them marking up the mf and on the other hand I remember them not letting you lease it so if you can clarify what they are doing for leasing

Ha! No lie, I was just building mine. :grin:

Sorry. The discount. I didn’t read the whole post. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Yes I talked to Craig earlier this morning. These discounts are only applicable if you buy and finance it through them.

So you can’t lease anything through them? They have decent discounts on the whole cdjr lineup which would suck if that’s the case.

Yes you can. Here’s what he said, “ If you are looking to lease, then you will lose the must finance with Chrysler of 1000 as I can not combine that with leasing. So if you are looking to lease, you will lose 1000 as I can not combine it as it is for retail only, not lease. The program is more designed for retail not lease.”

Basically whatever the discount is just subtract $1000 from it

And then base mf? If it’s only on the trx or 392 it’s understandable (not really but anyway) but if it’s across the board -1k that makes no sense

8 posts were split to a new topic: Charger hacking?

Check out the hellcat forums
Guys were scared because they didn’t know if there was price protection

Why did Chapman stopped taking trx orders? Anyone know

I’ll try to contact them tomorrow to clear up what they’re doing on leases

Well i just sent them 4 orders so well see what shakes out.

They probably have more than they know what to do with

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I think they know what to do with it lol, 10k markup

It’s a shame koons doesn’t sell to CA

We will still do 7k off TRX.

Chapman doesn’t have as many orders as everyone thinks. They are nowhere near #1 in the Northeast.

Wait any other locations they won’t sell to?

MA as well

my base TRX was $10k off ($66.5k), they marked up MF to about 8% plus their fees/taxes.


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