Ram TRX spin off - ordering, configs, flips, etc

Congrats! That’s the quickest I’ve ever seen! I’m still in D status. What’s your build? Base/lvl 1/lvl 2?

That’s awesome. Mine was ordered same day over at koons. Lvl1

That’s impressive. I thought I was doing good getting my base one scheduled so quickly. :joy:

I was just scheduled as well. 2/9 order, 3/9 scheduled

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2/9 order here as well. No movement though.

Anyone know if Chapman will allow CULA for leasing one of these? It looks like they have better rates and still allow for third party buyouts.

What state do you live in?

Anyone have an lvl 2’s with low miles they looking to sell 646-714-1123

I live in Indiana.

You can use your own financing with chappy
Tom said nO StIpUlAtIoNs

Only thing is does CULA operate in your state/city?

My local CU does CULA what are the rates :upside_down_face:

Good to know. They do operate in my state. I leased a Tacoma through them a few years back and didn’t have any trouble selling it to Carvana,

I feel like I’m missing something. Is there any disadvantage to using CULA over Chrysler Capital?

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The dealer would have to work with 1) cula and 2) a cula bank that will lend to the zip you live in or work in

What’s their acquisition fee?
Also is the tax monthly or full price ?

CULA doc fee is more than CCAP (roughly $1000). They have 0 restrictions and are so easy to work with.

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How do I see the rates?
Everytime I tried to use local CU to finance a car out of state it’s a no I doubt this will work :disappointed_relieved:

Chapman is the cula list btw for some of the credit unions in PA not sure how this will work since he’s in Indiana

I thought the rate was .00225 because it was filling in on the calculator automatically, but now realize that isn’t likely the case. I’ll have to contact my credit union and see if they will tell me and also if they will work with an out of state dealer.

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I saw that too. I wondered if I should join Alliant Credit Union PA or whatever was on the list.

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So when you lease thru CULA it’s like a normal lease, Tax on the monthly payment?

Correct its a normal lease through goes through a local bank but “oversaw” by CULA if you fill. CULA brings local CUs into the program.

Their RVs are online but I dont think their MFs are any longer. I am 10000% certain its much lower than CCAP though.


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