R/askcarsales threads šŸ’Ž

I hate this. If you look at my storeā€™s directory I am one of the salesmanagers and since I am on lease hakr the other 2 managers just dump inquires on my desk.

I swear I waste the first hour of my day with, ā€œCan I get a s60 for 299?ā€ and ā€œI want a sign and dive xc60 for 500 a month!ā€ emails.

99% of which do not have:
A) A stock number
B) How many miles a year
C) What tax rate are we using
D) do you have loyalty
E) do you have aplan/affinity
F) is there a trade/lease return

Hell a majority of my dms here dont have that info.

I wish I could post the phone calls I get


Just remember as a salesmanager my job is to NOT screw over my employees. The more aggresive an offer the LOWER the CSI. Why would I give my 10 year vet a deal that will
A: Be a flat
B: have a higher chance of a low CSI score

The rookie wont even hit his bonus so he can take the bad survey.


Donā€™t understand why they donā€™t do the legwork. I NEVER ask for a particular monthly payment. Usually just say something like ā€œWill you sell this C40 (insert stock number) or similar for 9% off MSRP pre-incentiveā€. Once they agree, then just ask for a lease and make sure iā€™m getting all the incentives.

Since youā€™re a Sales Manager, can you confirm that for most brands they couldnā€™t care less how many incentives we add so long as itā€™s not coming out of the dealershipā€™s pocket? For example adding Loyalty. I know for BMW when you use an OL code, $500 comes from BMW and $500 from the dealership, so if youā€™ve already got the dealership down to the bone, you know not to expect the full $1000.

We donā€™t care about what rebates you use so long as you ā€œcome correctā€ as it were. Please bring your medical provider/teacher pin or costco pin or proof of loyalty. I hate jumping through hoops to get customers rebates that they should be bringing.


BMW loyalty is also a special case in that the dealership loses ability to mark up the MF. So they take a potential hit there.

Someone more knowledgeable let me know if Iā€™m wrong.

Every point you make is fair, which is why I merely ask for the current sales price before any rebates and incentives are applied. I can do the rest of the work myself, including scanning and/or submitting any and all documents required during the transaction ahead of time.

When I worked for BMW, we could mark up the money factor regardless of rebates. The only time you could not was if it was an employee deal.

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AFAIK this loyalty program which disallows MF markups is new to BMWFS.


Alrighty, sales u/RandyJackson getting triggered in the comments.



Randy must be falling behind on his McMansion and boat payments!


I checked out his post history talks all about how he was on LH pre pandemic but made $275k in 2022 etc. Then he posts cigar photos asking for authentication, @275k you shouldnā€™t have to ask reddit if your cigars are real :man_shrugging:


Heā€™s got all the hallmarks of a bad car sales person. A pseudo-intellectual with all the excuses in the world about why he couldnā€™t find success selling to the warmest car buying leads in America. :rofl:

Meanwhile our good brokers and dealers keep feasting :smiley:


Donā€™t forget child support.


98% sure heā€™s divorced once, likely twice. Alimony, child support and fake cigars. Rough


I found his $275k post.


It looks like he made $180 before and now hes getting close to $300


Apparently a year ago he was considering a vasectomy. I wonder if he went through it, Iā€™d be happier if there were less of his personalities on this planet.



heā€™s not wrong though. Had people gloss over the S8 deal i posted bc they had to make sure their $500 pen fed stacks! Literally have a PM about penfed.


Iā€™ve found that most people that are willing to tell you how much they make, you should always knock about 30-50% off that number. Especially the randy Jacksonā€™s of the world.

Iā€™m not saying good sales guys canā€™t make that much, they def do. But most wonā€™t tell everyone publicly.


When I got my XC90, I printed out and brought with me PenFed rebate code because thatā€™s what the PenFed website said to do. Signing the paperwork the finance guy said I was the first person he had ever met who brought the code with them and didnā€™t need to look it up in his office.

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It would not surprise me if he made that in the past 2 years if he was at a large dealer with a good pay plan. I know a mass market guy who has made around $100k/yr for the past decade (give or take some) and made $200k+ the past 2 years. Most of the mass-market brands pay 25%-40% of front-end gross, so many of these salespeople went from making only minis to $5k over MSRP. It is not unrealistic to hit $200k if you are selling 12-15 a month and getting paid 25%-40% of $75k-$100k in gross.


LH Private Investigating Division strikes again.

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