PSA: Costco Incentive Loophole

FYI: Costco Auto incentive says you have to be an Executive member on or before Oct 31 to qualify for 1000 off incentive. HOWEVER, I signed up a few days after the deadline and was able to generate the promo code / PIN for Volvo lease.

Here’s the hack - After applying on Costco membership online, I went to their auto discount page and registered. It popped up an error first after I clicked on “Activate certificate” but I tried it again and it worked the second time! A volvo sales person told me this loophole! Worked like a charm when I leased my Volvo last night!

Good luck everyone!


Who doesn’t love a loop de loop


I thought Costco discounts are generally for all members. I didn’t realize one has to be an executive member. Is that true for most of their deals?

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Great question! I called a local Costco and they told me that executive membership offers the Auto incentives - not the regular. But I don’t see a specific type of membership listed in their terms and conditions for the incentive.

You could always pay the executive membership and then downgrade to regular if you wanted after the offer! :woman_shrugging:t2:


FYI I’m working on a Costco incentive guide

If you reactivate a membership from previous years it will show up as your initial date. You have to call the customer service center to do so.


The same works with Tread Lightly for FCA Affiliate


What happens when they ask for your card as proof of membership and the effective date is after 10/31?


I told them that was the date of when I upgraded to executive membership :wink: Hope all is well, bud!


The only loophole that I know works because I used it last time on Costco for Volvo is if you get your membership at a Costco that opened after the cutoff date.

The reasoning being, since there wasn’t a Costco in your area prior to the date you shouldn’t be punished for missing the cutoff

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@Benedetto they don’t ask! They just need the Costco Pin / Certificate promo code.

They don’t need the code until y’all are ready to sign anyway. My strategy was not to tell them you qualify until you’re ready to pull the trigger. I got the largest dealer discount, I can possibly get first, then when you go sign - pull it out at your back pocket. They always have cushion to strip more. They won’t back out of the deal for just $1k. I got 17%+ off MSRP with this strategy.


what happens when your plates don’t arrive because the dealer winds up $1k short on a deal due to a bounced costco code? my store has done it, i’m sure @Benedetto s has as well.


That’s interesting. Fortunately I asked to transfer my tag so I still have my plate and get a new sticker if it’s needed.

It was the same with my A Plan discount $500. Terms and conditions stated that a form of work verification is needed but again they never asked. Just needed the PIN.

I’d def report back if I had an issue afterwards. If I don’t = happy sailing.

I have had a volvo dealer reach out after the fact when volvo financial audited them requesting pay stubs to validate my a-plan. It can certainly come back to you later.

You mean real life isn’t like monopoly where the bank makes an error in your favor after passing go and collecting $200?

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This has become more common recently… I think they hired a rebates czar to crackdown on fraud


If the customer-facing interface generates a code, and then in the back office it gets kicked then that’s between the dealership and the OEM.

Like when I generated a PIN for Mercedes and the dealer accepted, beyond that point I have no power to help them redeem it.

If a dealer willingly holds up the reg process or delivery of plates for that then they deserve to get torched on every survey


unfortunately, you’re thinking about this from a “the buyer is always right” standpoint.

i’m thinking about it from the “buyers are liars” standpoint. i see it several times a day. yes, a dealership can and will hold up tags for a rebate that you threw in that bounces. i wouldn’t blame them.

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Ironically enough they manipulated the numbers in my contract so much that my rebates show zero.

So guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get there! No reason to worry until it or if happens. :slight_smile:


Because dealers are honest, transparent, and always play fair.