PSA: BMW CCA Membership Rebate policy changing in 2020

Not sure how many people noticed this buried 200 posts deep in the original BMWCCA thread but there’s only a few days left if you want instant eligibility towards the rebate

Post 12/31/19 you’ll have to wait six months before becoming eligible

I thought the CCA rebate was done post sale and that it doesn’t matter what credits were applied during the sale.

The check is issued by BMW NA so they may or may not run an audit on your sales contract.
Dealer fills out a claim form for each special incentive that they applied on your car.

FWIW … Please close this thread after the year end.

Can you use fleet on a demo?

the way i read these two paragraphs demos are not eligible for cash purchase incentive. However, it appears to imply that demos with less than 5K miles may be eligible for the lease incentive.

I just signed up a customer for CCA and it shows the join date as 1/1/20 so I hope this will not cause problems with the rebate. I saved the receipt showing today’s date just in case.

Is anybody worried about the receipt saying 1/1/2020?

Receipt shows the date you paid but the join date in their portal shows 1/1/20

My receipt is dated 6/14, but my membership period didn’t “start” until 7/1.

I submitted the rebate request almost immediately (definitely before 7/1) and received the rebate in a bit over six weeks.

Receipt Date 06/14/2019

Invoice Number Product Description Subtotal
xxxxxx BMW Car Club of America - 3 Years (07/01/2019-06/30/2022) $134.00
Buckeye Chapter - 3 Years (07/01/2019-06/30/2022) $0.00
Total $134.00

Also, if you’re on the fence about joining, the membership dues are going up in February.

I received this email on 12/6. This may have already been posted, but here goes anyway…


Reminder: Last day for instant rebate eligibility with the 3-year CCA membership is tomorrow, 12/31.

Also: PSA: BMW CCA Dues Increasing in February

And don’t forget discount code “BMWUDE2019” which gives another $8 off membership!

I just used it yesterday

Does CCA work on a loaner with 2k miles?

Nevermind. I found the answer.


  • New, non-registered vehicles in excess of 1,000 miles including company vehicles, retail demos or loaner vehicles. 3rd party brokers, lease companies, etc. do not qualify.

Have you read the terms and conditions? It’s pretty clear.

I’m joining right now. Thanks guys. If it says join date of 1/1/2020 will that be an issue?

Thanks guys. I’m kinda freaking out. I can’t join! Anyone else having this problem? When I click on credit card type then click next it says this…

Edit…I got it. It took me about 10 reloads but got it working. Promo code bmwude2019 invalid, but thanks for posting!

Just purchased three year membership (23:00 pacific time, 12/31/2019) and receipt date is 1/1/2020.

don’t know why, shouldn’t it always reflect the time you hit the order button?