PSA: BMW CCA Membership Rebate policy changing in 2020

Does CCA work on a loaner with 2k miles?

Nevermind. I found the answer.


  • New, non-registered vehicles in excess of 1,000 miles including company vehicles, retail demos or loaner vehicles. 3rd party brokers, lease companies, etc. do not qualify.

Have you read the terms and conditions? Itā€™s pretty clear.

Iā€™m joining right now. Thanks guys. If it says join date of 1/1/2020 will that be an issue?

Thanks guys. Iā€™m kinda freaking out. I canā€™t join! Anyone else having this problem? When I click on credit card type then click next it says thisā€¦

Editā€¦I got it. It took me about 10 reloads but got it working. Promo code bmwude2019 invalid, but thanks for posting!

Just purchased three year membership (23:00 pacific time, 12/31/2019) and receipt date is 1/1/2020.

donā€™t know why, shouldnā€™t it always reflect the time you hit the order button?

If I used cca rebate last April, so I can use another now correct? One per calendar year? I bought the 3 year plan.

I also have a buddy that got an x5 last month. Didnā€™t get the rebate yet. But is getting an i8 this month. Will he also qualify for both?

Sorry too lazy to call, they put me on hold so I hung up

Thanks for sharing this info! Planned to order an 8 series GC in March, but will push back so delivery can align with rebate eligibility date (purchased 3-year membership). Fine with waiting a few more months for that $1,500 rebate!

Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s calender year. Thatā€™s what it says on their website.

you can use it in December 2019 and January 2020