TIL there’s such a thing as a Cayenne Coupe. In case anyone else is as uninitiated as me… I don’t think I can spot the difference unless the two were side by side lol. @paranoidgarliclover, which word best describes the coupe?
wagon, hatchback, shooting brake, or a SUV?
@dmuc Due to the nature of these deals, we do not publicly list the model years, however feel free to reach out and we will happily provide any info/details you are interested in!
Drive-Off Amount: $4,000
can you provide some more info for a person new to leasing?
What can be negotiated in this offer?
is there a better deal with 7500 miles per year?
Is there a discount if I prepay the whole lease up front?
what is included in the “drive off amount $4000”
@hugokohl This is the cheapest possible deal, no room for negotiation! The minimum amount of miles for these 12/18 month terms is 15k. The drive-off includes first month, registration, etc.