Polling on reopening threads

Without customers, there is NO BUSINESS.

We don’t make money off mooch customers. Giving into mooch clients mean there is no business.

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Then why do dealers sell losing deals? They need to get rid of the cars. Don’t you love the free market? Losing deals are often the best for consumers, thus they make sense to talk about on a site named “Leasehackr”!

Lol no.

Dealers sell loser deals because it isn’t a true loser.

You have to understand how volume based prorating holdback programs work, but most people here don’t work in the industry.

I’m talking about the total deal, not just for the dealer. Many leases, especially now with Covid are turning into losses for the OEMs.

I’m not a manufacturer, I’m a dealer. I could care less of Jaguar Land Rover / Chase loses money. Doesn’t effect me in the slightest.

You can either make the deal or not. Calling customers names is not becoming.

A smart business man would realize that maybe this “mooch” customer is not profitable on this deal, but maybe, just maybe, they will refer someone or maybe come back for another vehicle that will be more profitable.

It isn’t always about the sale at hand, but I’m sure you know that.

Now go pound another customer for 8K

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The site is to benefit consumers, so members can find and replicate the best deals. The mechanism is the free market.

If you don’t want certain customers, tell them to pound sand.

But complaining that customers are trying to seek (remember that pricing information is highly scarce for consumers) out the best deals on this site is somewhat humorous.

A referral from a mooch? Ha that’s a good one… Lol. They’d want to negotiate the bird dog fee too or want a cut of the deal

It absolutely is… and part of getting a great deal is recognizing that it is a great deal and understanding where the limit is.

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This takes me back to the elaborate discussion we had here: Real or Fake? Part 2

No reason why people think a dealer has to give away the farm when someone walks through the door asking for a discount on their F-Pace. I am sure that there was some more discount I could have gotten past 24% pre-incentive (in fact I am sure of it because their selling price on the worksheet they provided was $400 less) but I didn’t ask for it because everybody needs to make some money at the end of the day and I was already happy with my discount.

On the other hand, I think online pricing from dealers does need to be a little more transparent instead of throwing a bunch of rebate subtractions and not explaining on the listing how to qualify for those.

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But pricing information is so scarce, people can’t possibly know where the limit is.

I’ll help you out, there’s this magical thing to help. It’s called the "search bar" :hushed:

Yes, this site provides the best references on the net. But I’ve beaten the best deal on this site before on my car.

Fortunately, there’s a resource here on which to lean on, which was the point. That particular person had a great deal in front of them and was being criticized for trying to squeeze blood from a stone based on the available information.

The issue is that people see deals here and figure “well if they got that, I can get 5% better” in circles. That doesn’t always work and often makes the great deal go away.

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You say it’s small, but how many are afraid to say anything?

How many just move on, or simply go into read-only mode?

If you ignore your members, they will go away.

I say all of this as a big fan of leasehackr.

What could be defined as limit? The price at which a dealer makes $0 on a deal? Why would a manufacturer post that information to the public knowing that dealers wouldn’t be making anything on the cars they sell? That doesn’t make much sense.

Theoretically, there is no limit. It just has to be agreed upon with buyer and seller. If a dealer goes bankrupt, they’d be open to loser deals as they might be better than auction prices.

Wow, some of you guys are really jaded.

I’m sure I, along with many others on here would be called a mooch.

Well I can tell you for sure that I have referred many many people to a dealer that will play ball, I guess I should re-think that?

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Started as a post about a user who supposedly leased a car(and me closing his thread then him asking it be deleted), but didn’t and spiraled off into something about mooches, feel free to start another post if you want to continue a mooch debate