Order Placed (And Rates Locked?) 2021 Jeep Wrangler Sahara 4xE - MSRP $55,525 - $388 DAS and $388/month including WA tax


What is this “buying” you speak of?


Haha, so different!! My no cat straight piped sti has been my commuting car for the past 15 years. Want an extra commuting car (10 minute round trip haha), the Costco march audi deals got me interested…but anything fits the bill! I’ll take this wrangler in a heartbeat.

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Everybody knows what the best pillow is.


I always wanted to do a cross country road trip. And by the time order comes in (around June), my girl will be on summer vacay

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I am placing an order for two wranglers tomorrow with a dealer in GA. Just be warned that you will need a control number to get the 6% below invoicing!

Thank you to @JBD for the contact info! You guys can contact Mike and say my username or @JBD. I am sure he will know what you are talking about haha.

Mike Clinnin
Mall of Georgia


Thanks firefighter

I’ve had one of these for like 6 years and it’s shockingly good.

What happened to it that you don’t have it anymore? 🥸

I still have it.

I said I have had, not I had :slightly_smiling_face:

Anyone here in SoCal get anything below invoice?

nice what’s your numbers looking like?

NY here, count me in as being interested!

I have a dealer in PA. Lets see if they play Ball.


About 325 at the moment but that includes the 3 peice hard top, which I don’t want. I barely use a sunroof.

Doesn’t Koons charge some absurd doc fee of $899? Back in 2019 they bumped the base money factor and added high fees. The discount was not worth. Instead of 6% below invoice, I got 5% and low fees. Monthly was less that way. I would tread lightly with all these discounts as they are not exactly what they seem.

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Most of the sale price loss leaders will have huge Doc fees and/or dealer accessories/marked up money factors to offset the negative front end. It works very well because most people just fixate on the selling price.


Whoa for. $55k ish sticker and instock Jeep? What’s your registered state and taxes set up like? I’m NY

You might be correct about Koons. We’ll wait till we hear back from them. In any event, I always add doc fees back to the price of the car when I evaluate deals (right pocket / left pocket). They say doc fees are non-negotiable, fine ; the price of the vehicle is negotiable.

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Unless it is an in stock stock unit, these Jeeps are in a strange spot when it comes to evaluating the deal. We cant really talk monthlies, because they are subject to change. So on my end, I am simply looking at the discount prior to incentives and the dealer fees and getting those nailed down via a buyers order. The MF is something that a commitment from the dealer can be obtained on as far as holding base. The actual MF and the RV are subject to the banks. For CCAP, the commitment is that the $7500 rebate is valid through EOY 2021.

There are dealers doing the 11%+ off and base MF and low ($200ish or less) dealer fees, which altogether should make for a very nice total lease cost in the end.


Doc Fees - Most dealers in GA charge $399 to $899.