Is it a good time to get a lease? NO! When will it get better? Nobody knows

Not really. He got the $309 etron.

Expensive ass peanuts. Probably more like pine nuts…

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Teasing people huh, at least tell us what brand/model :joy:

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I think vhooloo said it was an etron but he’s usually full of :poop:.


It’s pretty simple, really. Dealers’ whole business model depends on volume. If they’re not selling as many cars as they usually do, then they’re not able to offer the same deals since they aren’t receiving the same volume incentives from the manufacturer.

Deals are harder to find, but still pretty solid ones out there. From browsing the Marketplace…

Toyota Corolla SE - $191/month + tax, $0 drive-off - CA ($163/month with loyalty and grad)
Toyota Camry LE - $238/month + tax, $0 drive-off - CA ($210/month with loyalty and grad)
Honda Accord Hybrid - $245/month + tax, $1,000 drive-off - CA ($500 grad avail)

I was looking for someone who just wanted “a car”.


I also think the Pilot deals have been tremendous this month and last.

On the contrary, I have refused to sell a Tacoma to anyone the past 3-4 months when I usually do > 10/month

Ford and GM are currently producing at levels higher than before the shutdown. FCA is getting to that point in the next couple weeks. Most engine and vehicle plants have had no summer shutdown. They are balls to the wall right now.

I fully expect an oversupply condition to occur towards the end of the year. Just my opinion, same opinion that has been ripping for months on all these fools looking for their “covid deals”.

PS the Italians still took the month of August off as usual, no f’s given :rofl:


There seems to be a disconnect between the advertising from the Manufacturers and the response from the dealers. Trying to lease a Wrangler and have received 1 quote for a ridiculous amount after many emails. Every single dealer wants to get you in the seat and give you a lumping or wait for the next opportunity. I have never had such a reaction in 20 years of buying vehicles. Absolutely cavalier attitude totally.

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::gasp:: the poor, deprived service departments of Fiat, Alfa, and Maserati - that’s 1/12 of the usual number of new cars with Check Engine lights coming through

With fewer sales people, and servicing fewer customers per employee, they’re all trying different tactics to weed out tire kickers. If you truly need a car that bad, the average person will just come in.

:point_up_2:What he said. If you have to go in, make sure you have done all research and run numbers on your end. This way, you won’t be wasting much time at the dealer.


Not about cars, but remember all those who kept saying in March-April that 80k people die from flu every year in the US and covid-19 was nothing. One even asked how I knew we hadn’t reach peak yet then.


Tell fca to hurry up, I need my fkn $500/mo widebody hellcat soon :rofl::rofl:.

Probably not gonna happen but one can dream right? :roll_eyes:


IL, electric and unicorn and @senwia. It is definitely an etron.

“I think we’re going to be very good with the coronavirus. I think that at some point that’s going to sort of just disappear, I hope,”


Something I would love to have been wrong about, and yet two days ago

Approaching 3 Vietnam Wars worth of dead Americans, and looking like we may catch WWII by the time we’re done.


will be way more than that when we get 4 more years. and we will. mark my words.


Really u think trump will be elected again? Some professor who got every nomination correct says no

i hate the guy and my brain tells me that he can’t win mathematically, but my gut tells me that cancers don’t just disappear. he’ll find a way to scam his way to staying in power. look at what’s happening in belarus right now. same thing will happen here.


The Kung Flu jokes, the Harris and Obama “birther jokes” and S**hole countries are hard to take, even if you don’t have a relative/ancestor/spouse who came from China, Kenya, Jamaica or India or Somalia or Puerto Rico :slight_smile: