Off Topic Landfill

  1. Your math is incorrect and this is a different vehicle.
  2. We don’t allow people to change terms of a lease special.
  3. If you don’t like it, stop commenting on my

add: the car you’re referring to is an alive drive demo. It has an additional $1,500 incentive attached to the vin. So maybe stop commenting crap on other people’s post when you have literally no idea what you’re talking about. You can’t see my back screen and you aren’t a dealer. Thanks.

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Somehow I doubt all of this, as we’ve been through this before.

All the same options, 62.7 msrp, AND is black/black. HMMM something doesn’t add up with your statement.

I guess transparency isn’t one of your strong suits

I have 4 identical MSRP cars across my stores.

And regardless if you wanted to get the one posted, you cannot change terms of a lease special. It will be 3k plus drives.

Not in black/black according to your site. Or is this a “special” car that is NOT on your website

That is categorically incorrect I’ve worked with your dealer group before LOL

We aren’t the same across the group. Because we have the same owning dealer does not mean we function the same. We all have individual policies. We don’t even have a trading relationships with one of the stores in our group.

Go back to the hole you came from thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

No problem… I’ll leave you alone. Just gonna call out a scam when I see one.

Oh my god a sub invoice deal on a Velar! I’m such a scammer!

Yeah compared to your site… scamming people that don’t know any better. Unfortunately people like you just make a bad name for people in the industry

I have a book of clients and brokers that love working with me that would beg to differ.

You’re a clown if you’re calling me a scammer. Goodbye :wave:

Really? Then go sell it to them… something tells me you haven’t been working for the dealer that long… but what do I know

It’s actually…

(3912 - 500) x 0.25 = 853

You have…

3912 - 500 x 0.25 which is a lot different than 853. What you intended is correct. You just didn’t write it correctly.

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Semantics. I know I didn’t write it correctly.

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It’s NOT semantics. It’s mathematics. Don’t minimize it. Why didn’t you correct it?

I wouldn’t just take Northwestern’s word for it. Can we get Cornell to weigh in on this?


This isn’t college, we all get the point. Settle down Captain happy


Why would I waste my time? My quiz days are way behind me. Everyone knew what I was talking about.

I’ll remember to point out + critique your next grammatical error, Professor.

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I’m sure you will. You’re very good at that. Last time you did that, I didn’t say anything. To wit…

BMW x2 loaner. Calculator not matching

But, to repeat the same mistake? Someone needed to correct you.


Everyone knew what I was talking about…

So, I guess that makes it okay to write it incorrectly, huh?

Why would I waste my time?

I’m sorry you see that as a waste of time.

To wit:


Now drop it and move on.

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