Off Topic Landfill

Volvo, like me has too many cars so not an option. Can’t have all my service fees going toward lease payments on cars I only drive when a demo, loaner or other favorite ride isn’t available.

Might have another one if a different lead did not pan out.

sweet, feel free to PM me details. first time using the services of a broker & look forward to working with yall towards an awesome deal. what other brands do you associate with? I’m open to an E class with AMG package as well.

If anyone can replicate this let me know :slight_smile:

PM me for the M4

Too bad Audi leases aren’t that great compared to competitors. I got a 20% higher MSRP for less in total term costs. Maybe it works for them in the big picture? Unfortunately, I think it may catch up to them eventually.

Did you get 20% more features though ? that’s the question to ask, raising MSRP and then offering huge discount to show attractive terms is not a very good measure of value …

Audi isn’t exactly known as value brand, so it’s not like you get 20% more features in an Audi when you spend 20% in MSRP…

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Dude, really? All you have to do is look at a BMW or Merc hack with halogen headlamps. Want CarPlay? Thats another $300 and a subscription. Audi gives a ton of value out of the gate and they can be hacked meaningfully, theyre just not an easy score like a BMW who plays the volume game.

Did you mean to respond to me? B/c your post has nothing to do w/ what I wrote.

And if you did mean to respond to me, I suggest you try to keep it classy like @AudiGuan.

Wrong quote, apologies, but don’t get passive aggressive with “keep it classy”, the post is not adversarial.

My post wasn’t passive aggressive; I was clearly calling you out on being vaguely obnoxious.

When you write, “Dude, really?” you shouldn’t be surprised when someone takes it asadversarial. To say otherwise is being disingenuous.


Yes, I did get 20% more features. If a manufacturer marked up their cars 20% for no reason, the industry would eat them alive. Every article and review would point it out, and the consumer would be very aware of it. MSRPs tend to have a fair comparison, within a small delta, throughout the luxury vehicle market. Once you get into super and hypercars, it’s a different story.

Shots fired :gun:

@nyclife I Pm’ed 3 times , why would you not return my PMs mid conversation… I can see you have been posting :man_shrugging:t2:!! Just so everyone knows Quintin promised me the Demo X5, and I asked him to send me the paperwork… that’s when he stopped replying! Figuring when he told me the car was available he had already a deal working and used me as a backup



I’m sorry I could not sell the car to you, If you would like to work on another deal I would happily do so.

However, I think this is a very unfair characterization of what happened considering we didn’t exchange more than 10 pms, just because I’m posting here doesn’t mean I can answer everyone’s PMs, I get hundreds of PMs per day. I most definitely didn’t lie to you, the car was available when you contacted me or I would have marked it as pending.

I don’t think it is a question of morals that I haven’t gotten to your PM yet, I am a very busy person, as I’m sure most brokers on here are.

I have quite a bit sitting in my inbox that I’m trying to work through right now, yours included. The 2 of your last PMs were outside of my operating hours (at 8:40 pm and before 8am).

A previous customer of mine had called me about the vehicle, and I sold it to them, they had in fact reached out before you and offered to pay me before you but wanted to make sure the car was still available, which I did do today.

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Add $500/mo to that and I have one to sell you right now. 68K sticker.

Hi there,

I’m looking into 2020 RX F Sport Performance Models; Black or Silver with Black Interior. Do you have any of those available for NJ?

Can PM you too


We receive anywhere from 10-15 inquires on the same car a day, if not more. Not to mention we are trying to beat the dealer sales people to the deal as well.

I think the best thing you can do as a consumer is to hurry to pay the retainer so the broker can tag the car with the dealer in your name if you really want the car. Brokers aren’t looking to make life more complicated by having multiple buyers for the same car.

It is frustrating not getting the car that was available just 1 minute before, but if someone beats you to the car by paying the broker fee, it’s fair game.


What car was this for? I could maybe understand your frustration if it was for something special / hard to get. If it’s a plain Jane 3-er or X5, ask him to get another car or move on to another broker.